Submitted by ssk7
Actuarial Option
Actuarial Option
Academic Plan
Actuarial Check Sheet
Check Sheet
General Education Requirements
Supporting Courses
Semester by Semester Planner
Actuarial Science Exam Information
Students are strongly encouraged to visit the website of the Society of Acutaries. Click on the Education Exams Tab to find a full description of the actuarial examinations including subjects such as topics of the exams, textbooks, schedules, locations and application forms. This link also contains sample exams. In addition, you can learn more about the Society’s VEE (Validation by Education Experience) program at this site.
Courses for the VEE Program
Due to the nature of the VEE program, the following courses are highly recommended. We encourage you to confirm current VEE course requirements on the Society of Actuaries website.
ECON 102
ECON 104
FIN 301
STAT 462
STAT 463
Students who pursue the Actuarial Option often pursue a Statistics Minor.
Actuarial Club