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Zhen Bi

Assistant Professor of Physics
Zhen Bi.


Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Pappalardo Fellow, 2017-2020.

University of California, Santa Barbara, Ph.D. Physics, 2012-2017.

Peking University, B.S. Physics, 2008-2012.


Research Interests

Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics

Topological Phases of Matter

Quantum Phase Transitions and Critical Phenomena

Quantum Field Theory and Anomaly

2D Materials and Moiré Physics


Selected Publications

  • Landau Ordering Phase Transition beyond the Landau Paradigm. Phys. Rev. R. 2, 023031 (2020), Z. Bi, E. Lake, T. Senthil.

  • Designing flat bands by strain. Phys. Rev. B 100, 035448 (2019), Editors’ Suggestion, Z. Bi, N. Yuan, L. Fu.

  • An adventure in topological phase transitions in 3 + 1-D: Non-abelian deconfined quantum criticalities and a possible duality. Phys. Rev. X. 9, 021034 (2019), Z. Bi, T. Senthil.

  • Instability of the non-Fermi liquid state of the Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev model. Phys. Rev. B. 95, 205105 (2017), Z. Bi, C. M. Jian, Y.-Z. You, K. Pawlak, C. Xu.

  • Bilayer graphene as a platform for bosonic symmetry protected topological states. Phys. Rev. Lett. 118, 126801 (2017), Z. Bi, R.X. Zhang, Y.-Z. You, A. Young, L. Balents, C.X. Liu, C. Xu.

  • Classification and description of bosonic symmetry protected topological phases with semiclassical nonlinear sigma models. Phys. Rev. B. 91, 134404 (2015), Editors’ Suggestion, Z. Bi, A. Rasmussen, K. Slagle, C. Xu.

  • Wavefunction and strange correlator of short range entangled states. Phys. Rev. Lett. 112, 247202 (2014), Y.-Z. You, Z. Bi, A. Rasmussen, K. Slagle, C. Xu.