Mailing Address:
104 Davey Lab, Box #181, University Park, Pa 16802
Peking University (B.S., Physics), 1982
The Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (M.S., Physics), 1984
University of Minnesota (Ph.D., Physics), 1991
Honors and Awards
- 1997 NSF Career Award.
- 2006 Fellow, American Physical Society.
- 2006 NSFC Outstanding Young Scientist (Type B)
Selected Publications
- 1. Y. Liu, Yu. Zadorozhny, M. M. Rosario, B. Y. Rock, P. T. Carrigan, and H. Wang, "Destruction of the global phase coherence in doubly connected superconducting cylinders," Science 294, 2332 (2001).
- 2. K. D. Nelson, Z.Q. Mao, Y. Maeno, and Y. Liu, “Odd-parity superconductivity in Sr2RuO4,” Science 306, 1151-1154 (2004).
- 3. Neal E. Staley, Linjun Li and Zhuan Xu, and Ying Liu, "Electric field effect on superconductivity in atomically thin flakes of NbSe2," Phys. Rev. B 80, 184505 (2009).
- 4. Y. A. Ying, Y. Xin, B. W. Clouser, E. Hao, N. E. Staley, R. J. Myers, L. F. Allard, D. Fobes, T. Liu, Z. Q. Mao, and Y. Liu, "Suppression of proximity effect and the enhancement of p-wave superconductivity in the Sr2RuO4-Ru system," Phys. Rev. Lett. 103, 247004 (2009).
- 5. Neal E. Staley and Ying Liu, "Manipulating superconducting fluctuations by the Little-Parks-de Gennes effect in Ultrasmall Al loops," Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. 109, 14819–14823 (2012).
- 6. X. Cai, Y. A. Ying, N. E. Staley, Y. Xin, D. Fobes, T. Liu, Z. Q. Mao, and Y. Liu, “Quantum oscillations in small rings of odd-parity superconductor Sr2RuO4,” Phys. Rev. B (Rapid Comms.) 87, 081104(R) (2013).
- Y. A. Ying, N. E. Staley, Y. Xin, K. Sun, X. Cai, D. Fobes, T. J. Liu, Z. Q. Mao, and Y. Liu, “Dislocations and theenhancement of superconductivity in odd-parity superconductor Sr2RuO4,” Nature Comm. 4, Article number: 2596 (2013).
- 8. Ying Liu and Zhi-Qiang Mao, “Unconventional superconductivity in Sr2RuO4,” (Invited Review. Physica C Special Issue on Superconducting Materials, editors: Jorge Hirsch, Brian Maple, Frank Marsiglio). Physica C 514, 339–353(2015).
- 9. Yueshen Wu, Hui Xing, Chao-Sheng Lian, Hailong Lian, Jiaming He, Wenhui Duan, Jinyu Liu, Zhiqiang Mao, and Ying Liu, “Ion intercalation engineering of electronic properties of two-dimensional crystals of 2H-TaSe2”, Phys. Rev. Mat. 3, 104003 (2019).
- 10. Justin R. Rodriguez, William Murray, Kazunori Fujisawa, Seng Huat Lee, Alexandra L. Kotrick, Yixuan Chen, Nathan Mckee, Sora Lee, Mauricio Terrones, Susan Trolier-McKinstry, Thomas N. Jackson, Zhiqiang Mao, Zhiwen Liu, and Ying Liu, “Electric field induced metallic behavior in thin crystals of ferroelectric a-In2Se3,” Appl. Phys. Lett. 117, 052901 (2020).
Research Interests
- Contemporary condensed matter and materials physics, focusing on superconductivity, physics in low dimensions, and quantum materials.
- Systems under current study include Sr2RuO4, mesoscopic and 2D superconductors, 2D crystals of transition metal chalcogenides, graphene, topological insulators and superconductors, strongly correlated systems, and ferroelectricity.