Mailing Address:
104 Davey Lab, Box #158, University Park, Pa 16802
Haverford College (B.A., Physics and Astronomy), 1990
University of California, Berkeley (M.A., Physics), 1992
University of Texas, Austin (Ph.D., Physics), 1996
Selected Publications
- S. J. Van Hook, T. Huziak-Clark, J. Nurnberger-Haag, L. Ballon Duran, "Developing an Understanding of Inquiry by Teachers and Graduate Student Scientists through a Collaborative Professional Development Program", Electronic Journal of Science Education, 13(2) (2009).
- J. Nurnberger-Haag, T. Huziak-Clark, S. J. Van Hook, L. Dallone-Duran, "Mind the Gap! A Model for Collaboration Between K-12 Teachers and Graduate Student Scientists/Mathematicians", Teaching & Learning: The Journal of National Inquiry and Reflective Practice 23(1), 20-39 (Fall 2008).
- S. J. Van Hook and T. Huziak-Clark, "Lift, Squeeze, Stretch and Twist: Research-based Inquiry Physics Experience (RIPE) of Energy for Kindergartners," Journal of Elementary Science Education 20(3), 1-16 (Summer 2008).
- T. Huziak-Clark, S. J. Van Hook, J. Nurnberger-Haag, L. Ballone-Duran, "Using inquiry to improve pedagogy through K-12/university partnerships," School Science & Mathematics 107(8), 311-324 (December 2007).
- S. J. Van Hook and T. Huziak-Clark, "Tip to Tail: Developing a Conceptual Model of Magnetism with Kindergartners Using Inquiry-Based Instruction," Journal of Elementary Science Education 19(2), 45-58 (Fall 2007).
- S. J. Van Hook, "Inquiry with Laser Printer Diffraction Gratings," The Physics Teacher 45(6), 194-197 (2007).
- S. J. Van Hook and T. Huziak-Clark, "Spring Into Energy: Toy-based Inquiry Activities Introduce Primary Students to Key Ideas about Energy," Science & Children 44(7), 21-25 (March 2007).
- S. J. Van Hook, A. Lark, J. Hodges, E. Celebrezze, L. Channels, "Playground Physics: Determining the Moment of Inertia of a Merry-Go-Round," The Physics Teacher 45(2), 85-87 (February 2007).
- T. Moran and S. J. Van Hook, "Using Student Peer Review of Experiment Reports in an Undergraduate Physics Class," Journal of College Science Teaching 36(1), 45-49 (September 2006).
- S. J. Van Hook, "Battle of the Merry-Go-Rounds: A Torque and Angular Momentum Demonstration,"The Physics Teacher 44, 304-307 (2006).