Stephen Van Hook

Associate Teaching Professor of Physics
Stephen Van Hook

Mailing Address:

104 Davey Lab, Box #158, University Park, Pa 16802


Haverford College (B.A., Physics and Astronomy), 1990
University of California, Berkeley (M.A., Physics), 1992
University of Texas, Austin (Ph.D., Physics), 1996

Selected Publications

  1. S. J. Van Hook, T. Huziak-Clark, J. Nurnberger-Haag, L. Ballon Duran, "Developing an Understanding of Inquiry by Teachers and Graduate Student Scientists through a Collaborative Professional Development Program", Electronic Journal of Science Education, 13(2) (2009).
  2. J. Nurnberger-Haag, T. Huziak-Clark, S. J. Van Hook, L. Dallone-Duran, "Mind the Gap! A Model for Collaboration Between K-12 Teachers and Graduate Student Scientists/Mathematicians", Teaching & Learning: The Journal of National Inquiry and Reflective Practice 23(1), 20-39 (Fall 2008).
  3. S. J. Van Hook and T. Huziak-Clark, "Lift, Squeeze, Stretch and Twist: Research-based Inquiry Physics Experience (RIPE) of Energy for Kindergartners," Journal of Elementary Science Education 20(3), 1-16 (Summer 2008).
  4. T. Huziak-Clark, S. J. Van Hook, J. Nurnberger-Haag, L. Ballone-Duran, "Using inquiry to improve pedagogy through K-12/university partnerships," School Science & Mathematics 107(8), 311-324 (December 2007).
  5. S. J. Van Hook and T. Huziak-Clark, "Tip to Tail: Developing a Conceptual Model of Magnetism with Kindergartners Using Inquiry-Based Instruction," Journal of Elementary Science Education 19(2), 45-58 (Fall 2007).
  6. S. J. Van Hook, "Inquiry with Laser Printer Diffraction Gratings," The Physics Teacher 45(6), 194-197 (2007).
  7. S. J. Van Hook and T. Huziak-Clark, "Spring Into Energy: Toy-based Inquiry Activities Introduce Primary Students to Key Ideas about Energy," Science & Children 44(7), 21-25 (March 2007).
  8. S. J. Van Hook, A. Lark, J. Hodges, E. Celebrezze, L. Channels, "Playground Physics: Determining the Moment of Inertia of a Merry-Go-Round," The Physics Teacher 45(2), 85-87 (February 2007).
  9. T. Moran and S. J. Van Hook, "Using Student Peer Review of Experiment Reports in an Undergraduate Physics Class," Journal of College Science Teaching 36(1), 45-49 (September 2006).
  10. S. J. Van Hook, "Battle of the Merry-Go-Rounds: A Torque and Angular Momentum Demonstration,"The Physics Teacher 44, 304-307 (2006).