Roy Willis

Professor Emeritus of Physics
Roy Willis


University of Leiceister (B.Sc.), 1963
University of Cambridge (Ph.D.), 1967

Honors and Awards

  • Alexander von Humbolt Foundation Senior Visiting Scienctist Award, Berlin 2004
  • Award of Excellence in Research, American Vacuum Society, 1992
  • Royal Society Senior Research Fellow, 1979-1981

Selected Publications

  1. Y. Liu and R.F. Willis, "Plasmon-phonon strongly coupled mode in epitaxial graphene", Physical Review. B 81.8 (2010): 081406.
  2. H. Won and R.F. Willis, "A STM point-probe method for measuring sheet resistance of ultrathin metallic films on semiconducting silicon", Surface Science. 604, 490-494 (2010).
  3. T.S. Bramfeld, H. Won, and R.F. Willis, "Abrupt dimensionality crossover in thin-film ferromagnets: Quantum size effect", Surface Science. 604, 490-494 (2010).
  4. H. Won and R. F. Willis, "Sheet resistance of 2D metallized Si(111) 7x7 surfaces", submitted to Phys. Rev. Lett. (2010)
  5. R. F. Willis, "The Observation of High Energy Excited States in Graphite", in 11th Annual Solid State Physics Conference, (IOP, 2009) p.
  6. Y. Liu and R.F. Willis, "The evolution of sheet-plasmon behavior in silver monolayers on Si(111)-(√3 x √3)-Ag surface", Surface Science. 603(13):2115-2119 (2009).
  7. K. R. Podolak, R. F. Willis, M. Wilson, P. Schiffer and K. N. Altmann, "Local and nonlocal magnetic behavior of dilute manganese-doped nickel alloys," J. Appl. Phys. 105, 083918 (2009).
  8. R. F. Willis, "Surface Electron Emission from d-band Metal Surfaces," J. de Phys. Colloq. C-4, x (2009)
  9. T. Z. Summerscales and R. F. Willis, "Maximum Entropy for gravitational wave data analysis: Inferring the physical parameters of core-collapse supernovae," Astrophys. J. 678, 1142 – 1157 (2008).
  10. Y. Liu, R. F. Willis, K. Emstev and T. Seyller, "Plasmon dispersion and damping in electrically isolated two-dimensional charge sheets," Phys. Rev. B Rapid Comm. 78, 201403 (2008).

Research Interests

Condensed Matter Physics, Electronic Properties, Low-dimensional systems, Magnetism, Materials, Mesoscopic Physics, Molecular Electronics, Nanomaterials, Semiconductors, Statistical physics, Surface physics, Vibrational Properties.