Murat Günaydin

Professor of Physics
Murat Günaydin

Mailing Address:

104 Davey Lab, Box #230, University Park, Pa 16802


Robert College (Istanbul) (B.S., Physics), 1968
Yale University (Ph.D., Physics), 1973


Particles & Fields

  • Theoretical

Honors and Awards

  • Albert Long Award (Robert College) - June 1968
  • Graduate Fellowship and Research Assistantship (Yale University) - 1968-1973
  • Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei Postdoctoral Fellowship (Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa) - 1973-1974
  • Alexander von Humboldt Fellowship (University of Bonn) - 1975-1977

Selected Publications

Publications list on INSPIRE

  1. J. J. M. Carrasco, M. Chiodaroli, M. Gunaydin, and R. Roiban, "One-loop four-point amplitudes in pure and matter-coupled N < 4 supergravity," arXiv:1212.1146 [hep-th], to be published in JHEP
  2. K. Govil and M. Gunaydin, "Minimal unitary representation of D (2, 1: λ) and its SU(2) deformations and d=1, N=4 superconformal models," Nucl. Phys. B 869, 111 (2013), [arXiv:1209.0233 [hep-th]].
  3. M. Chiodaroli, M. Gunaydin, and R. Roiban, "Superconformal symmetry and maximal supergravity in various dimensions," JHEP 1203, 093 (2012), [arXiv:1108.3085 [hep-th]].
  4. M. Gunaydin, H. Samtleben, and E. Sezgin, "On the Magical Supergravities in Six Dimensions," Nucl. Phys. B 848, 62 (2011) [arXiv:1012.1818 [hep-th]].
  5. S. Fernando and M. Gunaydin, "SU(2) deformations of the minimal unitary representation of OSp(8*|2N) as massless 6D conformal supermultiplets," Nucl. Phys. B 843, 784 (2011) [arXiv:1008.0702 [hep-th]].
  6. S. Fernando and M. Gunaydin, "Minimal unitary representation of SO*(8) = SO(6,2) and its SU(2) deformations as massless 6D conformal fields and their supersymmetric extensions," Nucl. Phys. B841, 339-387 (2010) ; [arXiv:1005.3580 [hep-th]].
  7. M. Gunaydin and O. Paylyk, "Spectrum Generating Conformal and Quasiconformal U-Duality Groups, Supergravity and Spherical Vectors," JHEP 1004, 070 (2010) ; [arXiv:0901.1646 [hep-th]].
  8. S. Fernando and M. Gunaydin, "Minimal unitary representation of SU (2,2) and its deformations as massless conformal fields and their supersymmetric extensions," Jour. Math. Phys., Vol. 51, 082301 (2010); arXiv:0908.3624 [hep-th].
  9. M. Gunaydin and O. Paylyk, "Quasiconformal Realizations of E6(6), E7(7), E8(8) and SO(n + 3, m + 3), N > 4 Supergravity and Spherical Vectors," Adv. Theor. Math. Phys., Vol. 13 1895 (2009); arXiv:0904.0784 [hep-th].
  10. M. Gunaydin, A. Neitzke, O. Paylyk, and B. Pioline, "Quasi-conformal Actions, Quaternionic Discrete Series and Twistors: SU (2,1) and G2(2)," Commun. Math. Phys. 283, 169 (2008) ; arXiv:0707.1669 [hep-th].