Kohta Murase

Professor of Physics and Astronomy & Astrophysics
Kohta Murase.

Mailing Address:

104 Davey Lab, Box #135, University Park, Pa 16802


Kyoto University (Ph.D, Physics), 2010
Kyoto University (M.S., Physics), 2007
The University of Tokyo (B.S., Physics), 2005


Particle Astrophysics

  • Theoretical
  • Experimental

Particles & Fields

  • Theoretical

Gravitational Physics & Cosmology

  • Theoretical

Honors and Awards

  • 2019 34th Nishinomiya-Yukawa Memorial Prize, 2019
  • 2017 Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellowship, 2017-2019
  • 2015 Incentive Award of Cosmic Ray Physics from CRC Japan, 2016
  • 2015 Young Scientist Award of the Physical Society of Japan, 2016
  • 2014 Young Scientist Award of the Astronomical Society of Japan, 2015
  • 2012 Hubble Fellowship, 2012-2014 (Member of Institute for Advanced Study, 2012-2015)
  • CCAPP Senior Fellow, 2012
  • JSPS Postdoctoral Fellow for Research Abroad, 2010-2012
  • JSPS Doctoral Fellow, 2007-2010

Selected Publications

Full list of publications on INSPIRE-HEPList of theory publications on ADSCollaboration papers

  1. K. Murase, "Neutrinos unveil hidden galactic activities", Science Perspective, 378, 474 (2022). 
    See an article
  2. S. S. Kimura, K. Murase, and P. Meszaros, "Soft gamma rays from low accreting supermassive black holes and connection to energetic neutrinos", Nature Communications, 12, 5615 (2021).
    See our press release
  3. K. Murase, S. S. Kimura, and P. Meszaros, "Hidden Cores of Active Galactic Nuclei as the Origin of Medium-Energy Neutrinos: Critical Tests with the MeV Gamma-Ray Connection", Phys. Rev. Lett., 125, 011101 (2020). 
    See our press release
  4. K. Murase and I. M. Shoemaker, "Neutrino Echoes from Multimessenger Transient Sources", Phys. Rev. Lett., 123, 241102 (2019)
  5. K. Murase, F. Oikonomou, and M. Petropoulou, "Blazar Flares as an Origin of High-energy Cosmic Neutrinos?", Astrophys. J., 865, 124 (2018)
  6. K. Murase, "New prospects for detecting high-energy neutrinos from nearby supernovae",  Phys. Rev. D Rapid Communications, 97, 081301 (2018).
  7. K. Fang and K. Murase, "Linking high-energy cosmic particles by black-hole jets embedded in large-scale structures", Nature Physics 14, 396 (2018).
    See our press release and News & Views in Nature Physics
  8. T. Cohen, K. Murase, N. L. Rodd, B. R. Safdi, and Y. Soreq, "Gamma-Ray Constraints on Decaying Dark Matter and Implications for IceCube", Phys. Rev. Lett., 119, 021102 (2017).
  9. K. Murase and E. Waxman, "Constraining high-energy cosmic neutrino sources: Implications and prospects", Phys. Rev. D, 94, 103006 (2016).
  10. K. Murase, D. Guetta, and M. Ahlers, "Hidden Cosmic-Ray Accelerators as an Origin of TeV-PeV Cosmic Neutrinos", Phys. Rev. Lett., 116, 071101 (2016).
    See our press release
  11. K. Murase, R. Laha, S. Ando, and M. Ahlers, "Testing the Dark Matter Scenario for PeV Neutrinos Observed in IceCube", Phys. Rev. Lett., 115, 071301 (2015).
    Selected as an Editorial Suggestion
  12. M. Bustamante, P. Baerwald, K. Murase, and W. Walter, "Neutrino and cosmic-ray emission from
    multiple internal shocks in gamma-ray bursts", Nature Communications, 6, 6783 (2015).
    See our press release
  13. K. Murase, Y. Inoue, and C. D. Dermer, "Diffuse neutrino intensity from the inner jets of active galactic nuclei: Impacts of external photon fields and the blazar sequence", Phys. Rev. D, 90, 023007 (2014).
  14. K. Murase, M. Ahlers, and B. C. Lacki, "Testing the hadronuclear origin of PeV neutrinos observed with IceCube", Phys. Rev. D Rapid Communications, 88, 121301 (2013).
  15. K. Kashiyama, K. Murase, and P. Meszaros, "Neutron-Proton-Converter Acceleration Mechanism at Subphotospheres of Relativistic Outflows", Phys. Rev. Lett., 111, 131103 (2013).
  16. K. Murase, K. Kashiyama, and P. Meszaros, "Subphotospheric Neutrinos from Gamma-Ray Bursts: The Role of Neutrons", Phys. Rev. Lett., 111, 131102 (2013).
  17. K. Murase and K. Ioka, "TeV-PeV Neutrinos from Low-Power Gamma-Ray Burst Jets inside Stars", Phys. Rev. Lett., 111, 121102 (2013).

Research Group Members

Current Postdocs: Mukul Bhattacharya, Mainak Mukhopadhyay
Current Graduate Students: Abhishek Das
Past Postdocs: Ian Shoemaker (faculty at Virginia Tech.), Foteini Oikonomou (faculty at Norwegian U. of Sci. and Tech.), Shigeo Kimura (faculty at Tohoku U.), B. Theodore Zhang (research assistant professor at YITP), Ali Kheirandish (faculty at U. Nevada Las Vegas) 
Past Ph.D Students: Nicholas Senno (w. Prof. Meszaros), Chengchao Yuan, Jose Carpio
Past Undergraduate Students: Michael Toomey, Ryan Eskenasy, Michael Zaidel, Adrian Barajas