Mailing Address:
104 Davey Lab, Box #160, University Park, Pa 16802
Department Roles
REU Coordinator
Experimental Physics 457W
Physics Behind the Headlines 10 (FA19 online)
Computational Physics 430 (SP20)
- Carnegie Mellon University (B.S. with Honors, Physics), 1999
- Brandeis University (M.A., Physics), 2001
- Brandeis University (Ph.D, Physics), 2004
Selected Publications
K. R. Purdy Drew and J. Pogliano. Dynamic Instability Driven Centering/Segregating Mechanism in Bacteria. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, 108 11705-11080 (2011).
H. Shin, K. R. Pudy Drew, J. R. Bartles, G. C. L. Wong, and G. M. Grason. Cooperativity and Frustration in Protein-Mediated Parallel Actin Bundles. Phys. Rev. Lett. 103 238102 (2009).
O. Lieleg, K. M. Schmoller, K. R. Purdy Drew, M. M. A. E. Claessens, C. Semmrich, L. Zheng, J. R. Bartles, A. R. Bausch. Structural and Viscoelastic Properties of Actin Networks Formed by Espin or Pathologically Relevant Espin Mutants. ChemPhysChem. 10 2813-2817 (2009).
K. R. Purdy Drew, L. K. Sanders, Z. W. Culumber, O. Zribi, and G. C. L. Wong. Cationic amphiphiles increase activity of aminoglycoside antibiotice tobramycin in the presence of airway polyelectrolytes. J. Am. Chem. Soc., 131 486-493 (2009).
G. H. Lai, J. Butler, O. Zribi, I. Smalyukh, T. E. Angelini, K. R. Purdy, R. Golestanian and G. C. L. Wong. Self-organized gels in DNA/F-actin mixtures without crosslinkers: networks of induced nematic domains with tunable density. Phys. Rev. Lett. 101, 218303.
K. R. Purdy, J. R. Bartles, and G. C. L. Wong. Structural polymorphism of the actin-espin system: a prototypical system of filaments and linkers in stereocilia. Phys. Rev. Lett. 98, 058105.
L. Yang, V. D. Gordon, A. Mishra, A. Som, K. R. Purdy, M. A. Davis, G. N. Tew, G. C. L. Wong.Synthetic antimicrobial oligomers induce composition-dependent topological transition in membranes. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 129, 12141 (2007).
K. R. Purdy and S. Fraden. The influence of charge and flexibility on smectic phase formation in filamentous virus suspensions. Phys. Rev. E. 76, 011705 (2007).
S. Varga, K. Purdy, A. Galindo, S. Fraden, and J. Jackson. Nematic-nematic phase separation in binary mixtures of thick and thin hard rods: Results from Onsager-like theories. Physical Review E 72, 051704 (2005).
K. R. Purdy, S. Varga, A. Galindo, J. Jackson, and S. Fraden. Nematic phase transitions of mixtures of thin and thick collodial rods. Physical Review Letters, 94, 057801 (2005).