Emmy Zero

Graduate Student
Headshot of Emmy Zero

Mailing Address:

104 Davey Lab, Box #247, University Park, Pa 16802


B.S., Carnegie Mellon University

Selected Publications

  1. Wikle, N. et al. SARS-CoV-2 epidemic after social and economic reopening in three US states reveals shifts in age structure and clinical characteristics.
  2. Tran, T. N.-A. et al. SARS-CoV-2 Attack Rate and Population Immunity in Southern New England, March 2020 to May 2021. JAMA Network Open 5, e2214171 (2022).
  3. Tran, T. N.-A. et al. Optimal SARS-CoV-2 vaccine allocation using real-time attack-rate estimates in Rhode Island and Massachusetts. BMC Med 19, 162 (2021).
  4. [Zero, E.] & Swendsen, R. H. Detecting multi-spin interactions in the inverse Ising problem. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 483, 293–298 (2017).
  5. Matty, M., Mansfield, P., Hallinen, K., [Zero, E.], & Swendsen, R. H. Cluster simulations of multi-spin Potts models. J. Stat. Mech. 2015, P01026 (2015).
  6. [Zero, E.], & Swendsen, R. H. The Inverse Ising Problem. Physics Procedia 57, 99–103 (2014).
  7. [Zero, E. N.], Ray, L. T. & Nagle, J. F. Testing procedures for extracting fluctuation spectra from lipid bilayer simulations. The Journal of Chemical Physics 141, 064114 (2014).