John Collins

Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Physics
John C Collins


King's College (B.A., Mathematics), 1971
Mathematical Tripos Part III (1971-1972)
University of Cambridge (Ph.D., Theoretical Physics), 1975


Biological Physics

  • Theoretical
  • Computational

Particles & Fields

  • Theoretical
  • Computational

Honors and Awards

  • Sakurai prize 2009
  • Fellow of the American Physical Society 2008
  • Mercator Professorship awarded by Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft, Jan. - Jun. 2005
  • Faculty Scholar Medal (Penn State) 2002
  • Humboldt Research Award for Senior US Scientists, 2000-01
  • Guggenheim Fellowship, 1986-7

Selected Publications

  1. John Collins,  "A new and complete proof of the Landau condition for pinch singularities of Feynman graphs and other integrals", arXiv:2007.04085.
  2. J. Collins, L. Gamberg, A. Prokudin, T.C. Rogers, N. Sato, and B. Wang, "Relating Transverse Momentum Dependent and Collinear Factorization Theorems in a Generalized Formalism", Phys. Rev. D94, 034014 (2016) arXiv:1605.00671.
  3. Garrett Swan, John Collins, and Brad Wyble, "Memory for a single object has differently variable precisions for relevant and irrelevant features", Journal of Vision 16(3), 32 (2016).
  4. J.C. Collins and T.C. Rogers, "Understanding the large-distance behavior of transverse-momentum-dependent parton densities and the Collins-Soper evolution kernel", Phys. Rev. D91, 074020 (2015)arXiv:1412.3820.
  5. John Collins, "CSS Equation, etc, Follow from Structure of TMD Factorization", arXiv:1212.5974.
  6. John Collins, "Parton distribution functions (definition)", Scholarpedia 7(7):10851 (2012).
  7. S. Mert Aybat, John C. Collins, Jian-Wei Qiu, and Ted C. Rogers, "The QCD Evolution of the Sivers Function" arXiv:1110.6428.
  8. John Collins, Foundations of Perturbative QCD (Cambridge University Press, 2011). Errata can be found here.
  9. D. Binosi, J. Collins, C. Kaufhold, and L. Theussl, "JaxoDraw: A graphical user interface for drawing Feynman diagrams. Version 2.0 release notes", Computer Physics Communications, 180, 1709--1715 (2009)arXiv:0811.4113.

For essentially complete lists, see publications of John Collins in Google Scholar, and publications of John Collins in the INSPIRE database (for publications in elementary particle physics).