Department of Physics

Meet the researchers, mentors, and student advocates who lead the educational experience and drive progress in the Eberly College of Science.

Financial Coordinator
104 Davey Lab
Distinguished Professor of Physics
303C Osmond
Research Staff Assistant
104 Davey Lab
Postdoctoral Scholar
108 Osmond Laboratory
104 Davey Lab Mailbox #47
Postdoctoral Scholar
George A. and Margaret M. Downsbrough Department Head of Physics, Evan Pugh University Professor, Professor of Chemistry and MatSE
205A Osmond Lab
Faculty Affairs and Department Head Assistant
104 Davey Lab
Postdoctoral Scholar
Adjunct Instructor
104 Davey laboratory, Box 62
Graduate Student
211 Osmond Laboratory
Associate Teaching Professor of Physics
214 Osmond
Graduate Student
Mailbox #C-87
Assistant Research Professor
104 Davey Lab Mailbox #6
Graduate Student
104 Davey Lab, Mailbox #C-82
Graduate Student
104 Davey Lab, Mailbox #C83
104 Davey Lab Mailbox #45
Laboratory Research Technician
104 Davey Lab, Box 29
Graduate Student