Submitted by saz11
Algebra and Number Theory Group
The Algebra and Number Theory group at Penn State consists of researchers working in a variety of fields including:

- Algebraic and Analytic Number Theory
- Algebraic and Arithmetic Geometry
- Algebraic Statistics
- Combinatorics
- Commutative Algebra
- Cryptography
- Group Theory
- Finite Field Theory
(incl. Coding Theory) - K-Theory
- Operations Research
(incl. Linear Programming & Game Theory)
Learn More About Us
Regular faculty
- Shabnam Akhtari: Number Theory, Diophantine Analysis and the Geometry of Numbers
- George E. Andrews: Number theory, Partitions and q-series
- Kirsten Eisenträger: Number Theory, Connections between Number Theory and Logic, Arithmetic Geometry, Classical and Post-Quantum Cryptography
- Jack Huizenga: Algebraic Geometry
- Svetlana Katok : Automorphic forms, Fuchsian groups, Application of dynamical systems to analysis and number theory, and number theory to dynamics.
- John Lesieutre: Algebraic Geometry
- Wen-Ching Winnie Li : Number Theory, Automorphic forms and their applications, Zeta functions of complexes, Galois representations and hypergeometric motives, Noncongruence modular forms, Spectral graph theory, Coding theory
- Amita Malik: Analytic Number Theory, Combinatorics
- Mihran Papikian: Algebraic Number Theory
- Naser Talebizadeh Sardari: Analytic Number Theory, Automorphic forms and their applications, Sphere packing, Expander graphs, Quantum chaos
- Robert C. Vaughan: Analytic Number Theory
- Ping Xu: Homotopy Algebras, Higher algebraic structures, Deformation theory
- Ae Ja Yee: Combinatorics, Number Theory
- Yuri Zarhin: Algebraic and Arithmetic Geometry
Emeritus faculty
- W. Dale Brownawell: Number Theory, Transcendence
- Gary L. Mullen: Number Theory, Combinatorics, Finite Fields
- Leonid N. Vaserstein: Algebraic K-theory, classical Groups, Operations Research
Postdocs, lecturers, instructors and visitors
- Christopher-Lloyd Simon: The modular group, Galois theory, Quadratic forms
- Yen-Tsung Chen:
- Leo Hochfilzer:
Current and Former Students
- Ufuoma Asarhasa: Algebra and Number Theory
- Austin Cramer: Number Theory
- Sheng-Yang Kevin Ho: Algebraic Number Theory
- Runqiao Li: Partitions, Combinatorics
Seminars of interest to the group include:
- Algebra and Number Theory Seminar, organized by Yen-Tsung Chen and John Lesieutre.
- Combinatorics and Partitions Seminar, organized by Amita Malik and Ae Ja Yee.
- GAP (Geometry, Algebra, Physics) Seminar, organized by Ping Xu and Mathieu Stienon.
The following links may be of interest.
Upcoming conferences
- AMS Mathematics Calendar: Links to conferences.
- Number theory web: Links to homepages of number theorists, conferences, and more.
- Conferences in Arithmetic Geometry: Maintained by Kiran Kedlaya.
- Upcoming conferences in algebraic geometry: Maintained by Ravi Vakil.
- Commutative algebra conferences.
- List of math research institutes: Maintained by Balázs Szendrői
Preprints and papers
- Mathscinet (PSU remote access): AMS math reviews.
- Zentralblatt MATH: Zentralblatt math reviews.
- The arXiv: Preprint server.
- Front for the arXiv: A frontend for the arXiv preprint server.
- Number Theory List: Number theory preprints (including pre-arXiv)
- K-Theory preprint archives: New and older preprints.
- JSTOR (PSU remote access): Academic journals online.
Information on mathematicians and departments
- Number theory web: Links to homepages of number theorists, conferences, and more.
- Commutative algebra conferences and links to homepages of commutative algebraists.
- Mathematics Genealogy Project: Who was his or her advisor?
Educational resources
- PSU Library: Main library page
- Research level math questions and answers
- Undergraduate/graduate level math questions and answers
- Many topics in mathematics are described here.
- Many topics in mathematics are described here.
- Wolfram MathWorld: Many topics in mathematics are described here.
Math videos
- Videos at IAS: Videos at the Institute for Advanced Study.
- Videos at MSRI: Videos at the Mathematical Sciences Research Institute.
- Videos from ICM: Videos recorded at the International Congresses of Mathematicians.