Previous Workshops
Archive of Workshops in Dynamical Systems and Related Topics
The 34th Fall meeting of the
Semi-annual Workshop in Dynamical Systems and Related Topics will take place on November 2-5, 2023.
All lectures will be held at the Mathematics Department (114 McAllister Building) at the Penn State University Park campus.
This workshop first met at Penn State University in the spring of 1991. It has been hosted by Penn State University each fall since then, and each spring since 1992 by the University of Maryland, and is jointly sponsored by the two institutions. The basic funding of the workshop is provided by an NSF grant. Additional funding for this meeting will be provided by the Anatole Katok Center for Dynamical Systems and Geometry at Penn State, Eberly College of Science and Department of Mathematics at Penn State.
The workshop will feature
A SPECIAL SESSION, organized by Boris Hasselblatt and Amie Wilkinson on Friday, November 3rd, will honor the memory of Todd Fisher (1973-2022).

12th MICHAEL BRIN PRIZE in DYNAMICAL SYSTEMS will be awarded on Saturday, November 4th. Saturday afternoon session will feature the award ceremony and two talks dedicated to award winning work and other achievements of the winner.
BOOK EXHIBITS by American Mathematical Society, Cambridge University Press, World Scientific, and University of Chicago Press.
BANQUET will be on Friday, November 3 at 6:30 pm at Fuji & Jade Garden Restaurant, 287 Northland Center, State College, PA 16803.
Price $44.00 ($22.00 for Graduate Students). Payment is due upon registration (cash or check only)
Invited Speakers:
Snir Ben Ovadia (Penn State University),
Lennard Bakker* (Brigham Young University),
Keith Burns* (Northwestern University),
Jérôme Buzzi* (CNRS & Université Paris-Saclay),
Spencer Durham* (University of Maryland, College Park),
Bassam Fayad (University of Maryland, College Park),
Maria Jose Pacifico* (Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro),
Osama Khalil (University of Illinois at Chicago),
Carlangelo Liverani (University of Roma Tor Vergata),
Davi Obata (Brigham Young University),
Jana Rodriguez Hertz* (SUSTech, Shenzhen, P.R. China),
Cagri Sert (University of Zurich),
Daniel Thompson* (Ohio State University)
Raul Ures (SUSTech, Shenzhen, P.R. China)
* speaker in the Fisher Memorial Session
In addition, there will be 8 short talks by graduate students and postdocs on Sunday, and a poster session.
Workshop Organizers:
Svetlana Katok
Federico Rodriguez Hertz
Staff Assistant:
Shawna Dougherty
If you decided to participate in the conference, please, register at your earliest possible convenience by filling out the Registration form and submitting it electronically.
The Conference participants will stay at the Hyatt Hotel.
Reservations for invited speakers given 50 mins talks will be made by the Department.
Other participants should make their own reservations guaranteed with a valid credit card, and pay for their own lodging at the hotel during checkout. Reservations can be made by either calling Central Reservations at 1-888-492-8847 and referencing the group name "PSU Department of Mathematics" in addition to the code G-PSUU or going online at When booking online, the guests will need to type in group code G-PSUU to ensure that they receive the group discount under the “Corporate or Group Code” option from the drop-down menu (which is listed as the last one) beneath the dates. Individual reservations do not go through Hyatt Sales, so please use the phone number above or the website for booking. Reservations need to be received by October 19.
Should you decide change your arrival/departure dates or if you should decide not to attend, please contact the hotel directly. Please note: cancellation fees, early departure fees and no-show policies effective.
PLEASE NOTE: We would appreciate it if you could pay your lodging from your own grants to help provide additional support for young people to attend. However, we are able to provide partial support which normally consists of reimbursement of a shared double room (room & tax only).
Parking: The HUB parking deck is the closest option for visitors.
Click here for detailed University Park campus map listing individual buildings. General information about State College including restaurant guides, hotel information, maps, weather forecast, etc. is available here. Travel instructions can be obtained from
You may be interested in browsing the Anatole Katok Center for Dynamical Systems and Geometry webpage. There you will find our seminar schedule, list of special events, publications of group members, courses information.
The 33rd Fall meeting of the
Semi-annual Workshop in Dynamical Systems and Related Topics
will take place on November 3-6, 2022. It will be dedicated to 75th birthdays of Michael Brin and Yakov Pesin

All lectures will be held at the Mathematics Department (114 McAllister Building) at the Penn State University Park campus.
This workshop first met at Penn State University in the spring of 1991. It has been hosted by Penn State University each fall since then, and each spring since 1992 by the University of Maryland, and is jointly sponsored by the two institutions. The basic funding of the workshop is provided by an NSF grant. Additional funding for this meeting will be provided by the Anatole Katok Center for Dynamical Systems and Geometry at Penn State, Eberly College of Science and Department of Mathematics at Penn State.
A SPECIAL SESSION dedicated to the 75th birthday of YAKOV PESIN organized by Jairo Bochi (, Vaughn Climenhaga (vclimenh@Central.UH.EDU), and Svetlana Katok ( will take place on Friday, November 4.
A SPECIAL SESSION "Collaborations of female researchers in dynamical systems and related areas of geometry, topology and number theory" organized by Zhenqi Wang ( will take place in the morning session on Saturday, November 5.
The 4th MICHAEL BRIN DYNAMICAL SYSTEMS PRIZE FOR YOUNG MATHEMATICIANS will be presented in the afternoon session on Saturday, November 5 followed by a talk by the winner.
BOOK EXHIBITS by American Mathematical Society, Cambridge University Press, World Scientific, and University of Chicago Press.
BANQUET will be on Friday, November 4 in Hilton Garden Inn on College Ave. Buffet will start at 6:30 p.m. and end at 10:00 p.m., cash bar.
Price $40.00 ($20.00 for graduate students). Payment is due upon registration (cash or check only).
Invited Speakers:
Keith Burns, Northwestern University
Vaughn Climenhaga, University of Houston
Dmitry Dolgopyat, University of Maryland, College Park
Alena Erchenko, University of Chicago
Boris Hasselblatt, Tufts University
Michael Jakobson, University of Maryland, College Park
Konstantin Khanin, University of Toronto
Tamara Kucherenko, City College of New York
François Ledrappier (CNRS, Paris)
Stefano Luzzatto, Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics
Françoise Pène, University of Brest
Pablo Shmerkin, University of British Columbia
Michael Shub, City College of New York
Domokos Szász, Budapest University of Technology and Economics
Zhenqi Wang, Michigan State University
In addition, there will be 8 short talks by graduate students and postdocs on Sunday, and a poster session.
Workshop Organizers:
Jairo Bochi (
Svetlana Katok (
Staff Assistant:
Shawna Dougherty (
If you decided to participate in the conference, please, register at your earliest possible convenience by filling out the Registration form and submitting it electronically.
The invited speakers will stay at the Hyatt Place State College. Reservations will be made by the Department.
Participants will stay at the Hilton Garden Inn. Participants should make their own hotel reservations and guarantee with a valid credit card. Guests will pay for their own lodging at the hotel during checkout. Please, use this link for reservations. Reference group code DOM. Reservations need to be received by October 3.
There are a few rooms available for the participants at the Hyatt Place State College. In order to book on line, go to, choose the dates and State College location, type in group code G-PSMT to receive the group discount under the "Corporate or Group Code" option from the drop-down menu listed as the last one beneath the dates.
Should you decide change your arrival/departure dates or if you should decide not to attend, please contact the hotel directly. Please note: cancellation fees, early departure fees and no-show policies effective.
PLEASE NOTE: We would appreciate it if you could pay your lodging from your own grants to help provide additional support for young people to attend. However, we are able to provide partial support which normally consists of reimbursement of a shared double room (room & tax only).
Click here for detailed University Park campus map listing individual buildings. General information about State College including restaurant guides, hotel information, maps, weather forecast, etc. is available here. Travel instructions can be obtained from
You may be interested in browsing the Anatole Katok Center for Dynamical Systems and Geometry webpage. There you will find our seminar schedule, list of special events, publications of group members, courses information.
Parking: The HUB parking desk is the closest option for visitors.
Spring Workshop at the University of Maryland, College Park "Partial Hyperbolicity" will take place on May 8 - May 12, 2023.
The 32nd Fall meeting of the
Semi-annual Workshop in Dynamical Systems and Related Topics
will take place on October 28 - 31, 2021.
All lectures will be held at the Mathematics Department (114 McAllister Building) at the Penn State University Park campus.
This workshop first met at Penn State University in the spring of 1991. It has been hosted by Penn State University each fall since then, and each spring since 1992 by the University of Maryland, and is jointly sponsored by the two institutions. The basic funding of the workshop is provided by an NSF grant. Additional funding for this meeting is provided by the Anatole Katok Center for Dynamical Systems and Geometry at Penn State, Eberly College of Science and Department of Mathematics at Penn State.
The workshop will feature
A SPECIAL SESSION dedicated to the memory of Viorel Nitica (1961-2021)
A SPECIAL SESSION dedicated to the 15th anniversary of JOURNAL OF MODERN DYNAMICS.
10th MICHAEL BRIN PRIZE in DYNAMICAL SYSTEMS will be awarded on Saturday, October 30th. Saturday afternoon session will feature the award ceremony and two talks dedicated to award winning work and other achievements of the winner.
BANQUET will be on Friday, October 29 at Penn Stater Hotel & Conference Center, in the Senate Suites, 215 Innovation Blvd., State College, PA 16803
Cash bar 6:30 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.
Buffet will start at 7 p.m. and end at 8:30 p.m.
Price $43.75 ($22.00 for Graduate Students)
Payment is due upon registration (cash or check only)
Invited Speakers:
Jairo Bochi, Penn State University
Aaron Brown, Northwestern University
Semyon Dyatlov, MIT
Bassam Fayad, University of Maryland, College Park
Simion Filip, University of Chicago
Giovanni Forni, University of Maryland, College Park
Marlies Gerber, Indiana University Bloomington
Svetlana Jitomirskaya, University of California, Irvine
Adam Kanigowski, University of Maryland, College Park
Francois Ledrappier, CNRS
Richard Schwartz, Brown University
Andrew Török, University of Houston
Agnieszka Zelerowicz, University of Maryland, College Park
In addition, there will be short talks by graduate students and postdocs.
Workshop Organizers:
Svetlana Katok (
Federico Rodriguez Hertz (
Staff Assistant:
Stephanie Geyer (
If you decided to participate in the conference, please, register at your earliest possible convenience by filling out the Registration form and submitting it electronically.
Participants will stay at the Days Inn . Participants should make their own hotel reservations and guarantee with a valid credit card. Guests will pay for their own lodging at the hotel during checkout. A block of rooms are set aside at the Days Inn. Please call hotel phone number listed - code will not work with the online system.
Days Inn: # 1-800-258-3297 or 814-238-8454. Reference group code 102821`PSU. **Reservations must be made on or before September 28, 2021.
Should you decide change your arrival/depature dates or if you should decide not to attend, please contact the hotel directly. Please note: cancellation fees, early depature fees and no-show policies effective.
The invited speakers will stay at the Hyatt Place State College. Reservations will be made by the Department.
PLEASE NOTE: We would appreciate it if you could pay your lodging from your own grants to help provide additional support for young people to attend. However, we are able to provide partial support which normally consists of reimbursement of a shared double room (room & tax only).
Click here for detailed University Park campus map listing individual buildings. General information about State College including restaurant guides, hotel information, maps, weather forecast, etc. is available here. Travel instructions can be obtained from
You may be interested in browsing the Anatole Katok Center for Dynamical Systems and Geometry webpage. There you will find our seminar schedule, list of special events, publications of group members, courses information.
Parking: The parking lot Brown BC on Pollock Rd. across from the Mathematics Department cannot be used at any time without permit anymore. The HUB parking desk would be the closest option for visitors.
The 31st Fall meeting of the
Semi-annual Workshop in Dynamical Systems and Related Topics
will take place on
October 30th through November 1st, 2020.
This workshop first met at Penn State University in the spring of 1991. It has been hosted by Penn State University each fall since then, and each spring since 1992 by the University of Maryland, and is jointly sponsored by the two institutions. The basic funding of the workshop is provided by an NSF grant. Additional funding for this meeting is provided by the Anatole Katok Center for Dynamical Systems and Geometry at Penn State, Eberly College of Science and Department of Mathematics at Penn State.
Special session “NEW TRENDS IN THERMODYNAMIC FORMALISM" organized by Jairo Bochi will meet on Friday, October 30 afternoon
The 3rd MICHAEL BRIN DYNAMICAL SYSTEMS PRIZE FOR YOUNG MATHEMATICIANS will be presented on Saturday, October 31 followed by a talk by the winner
Special session speakers:
Jairo Bochi, Pontifical Catholic University of Chile
Tushar Das, University of Wisconsin-La Crosse
Anton Gorodetski, University of California, Irvine
Natalia Jurga, University of Saint Andrews
Invited Speakers for the general sessions:
Amir Algom, Penn State University
Vitaly Bergelson, Ohio State University
Dmitry Dolgopyat, University of Maryland, College Park
Changguang Dong, University of Maryland, College Park
Bassam Fayad , Institut de Mathématiques de Jussieu-Paris Rive Gauche
Snir Ben Ovadia, Weizmann Institute of Science
Frank Trujillo, University of Zurich
Polina Vytnova, University of Warwick
Speakers for short talks sessions:
Fatna Abdedou, Institut de Mathématiques de Jussieu-Paris Rive Gauche
Nawaf Alansari, Penn State University
Hassan Attarchi, Georgia Institute of Technology
Dong Chen, Penn State University
Davit Karagulyan, University of Maryland, College Park
Shahriar Mirzadeh, Michigan State University
Dominic Veconi, Penn State University
Agnieszka Zelerowicz, University of Maryland, College Park
Svetlana Katok (
Federico Rodriguez Hertz (
If you decided to participate in the workshop, please, register at your earliest possible convenience by filling out the Registration form and submitting it electronically. The registration is free. The invitations to zoom talks will be distributed by email to registered participants.
You may be interested in browsing the Anatole Katok Center for Dynamical Systems and Geometry webpage. There you will find our seminar schedule, list of special events, publications of group members, courses information.
The 30th Fall meeting of the
Semi-annual Workshop in Dynamical Systems and Related Topics
will take place on
September 26-29, 2019
at the Penn State University Park campus
This workshop first met at Penn State University in the spring of 1991. It has been hosted by Penn State University each fall since then, and each spring since 1992 by the University of Maryland, and is jointly sponsored by the two institutions. The basic funding of the workshop is provided by an NSF grant. Additional funding for this meeting is provided by the Anatole Katok Center for Dynamical Systems and Geometry at Penn State, Eberly College of Science and Department of Mathematics at Penn State.
8th MICHAEL BRIN PRIZE in DYNAMICAL SYSTEMS will be awarded on Saturday, September 28th. Saturday afternoon session will feature the award ceremony and two talks dedicated to award winning work and other achievements of the winner.
A banquet will be held on Friday, September 27th at 7:00pm.
The Gardens Restaurant
Penn Stater Hotel & Conference Center
215 Innovation Blvd
State College, PA 16803
Special session speakers:
Danijela Damjanovic, Kungliga Tekniska Hogskolan, Stokholm
Ralf Spatzier, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
Kurt Vinhage, Penn State University
Invited Speakers for the general sessions:
Keith Burns, Northwestern University
Clark Butler, Institute for Advanced Study
Vaughn Climenhaga, University of Houston
Manfred Denker, University of Göttingen
Sebastian Gouëzel, CNRS & Nantes University
Giovanni Forni, University of Maryland, College Park
Raphaël Krikorian, Université de Cergy-Pontoise
Davi Obata, Université Paris-Sud
Federico Rodriguez Hertz, Penn State University
Mark Pollicott, Warwick University & Aix Provence
Rodrigo Treviño, University of Maryland, College Park
Zhenqi Wang, Michigan State University
In addition, there will be parallel sessions of short talks by graduate students and postdocs and
Svetlana Katok (
Yakov Pesin (
Conference Staff Assistant:
Natasha Urbanik (
If you decided to participate in the conference, please, register at your earliest possible convenience by filling out the Registration form and submitting it electronically.
Participants will stay at the Days Inn . Participants should make their own hotel reservations and guarantee with a valid credit card. Guests will pay for their own lodging at the hotel during checkout. A block of rooms are set aside at the Days Inn (for Faculty and Grad Students). Please call hotel phone number listed - code will not work with the online system.
The Conference Speakers will stay at the Atherton Hotel. Reservations will be made by the Department.
Days Inn: # 1-800-258-3297 or 814-238-8454. Reference group code 092519PSU. Rates are $94+tax/night on 9/25/19 & 9/26/19 and $124+tax/night on 9/27/19 & 9/28/19. **Reservations must be made on or before August 26, 2019.
Should you decide change your arrival/depature dates or if you should decide not to attend, please contact the hotel directly. Please note: cancellation fees, early depature fees and no-show policies effective.
PLEASE NOTE: We would appreciate it if you could pay your lodging from your own grants to help provide additional support for young people to attend. However, we are able to provide partial support which normally consists of reimbursement of a shared double room (room & tax only).
Click here for detailed University Park campus map listing individual buildings. General information about State College including restaurant guides, hotel information, maps, weather forecast, etc. is available here. Travel instructions can be obtained from
You may be interested in browsing the Anatole Katok Center for Dynamical Systems and Geometry webpage. There you will find our seminar schedule, list of special events, publications of group members, courses information.
Parking: The parking lot Brown BC on Pollock Rd. across from the Mathematics Department cannot be used at any time without permit anymore. The HUB parking desk would be the closest option for visitors.
The 29th Fall meeting of the
Semi-annual Workshop in Dynamical Systems and Related Topics
will take place on
October 4 - 7, 2018
at the Penn State University Park campus
This workshop first met at Penn State University in the spring of 1991. It has been hosted by Penn State University each fall since then, and each spring since 1992 by the University of Maryland, and is jointly sponsored by the two institutions. The basic funding of the workshop is provided by an NSF grant. Additional funding for this meeting is provided by the Anatole Katok Center for Dynamical Systems and Geometry at Penn State, Eberly College of Science and Department of Mathematics at Penn State.
This meeting is dedicated to the memory of Anatole Katok.

The 2nd Michael Brin Dynamical Systems Prize for Young Mathematicians will be presented on Saturday, October 6.
The joint Workshop and Department of Mathematics Colloquium talk
will be given on Thursday, October 4, by Giovanni Forni.
A banquet will be held on Friday, October 5.
Invited Speakers:
Danijela Damjanovic, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden
Manfred Einsiedler, ETH Zürich, Switzerland
Alex Eskin, University of Chicago
Bassam Fayad, CNRS, IMJ-PRG, France
Giovanni Forni, University of Maryland
Hillel Furstenberg, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel
Boris Hasselblatt, Tufts University
Helmut Hofer, Institute for Advanced Study
Svetlana Katok, Pennsylvania State University
Raphael Krikorian, University of Cergy-Pontoise, France
Elon Lindenstrauss, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel
Hee Oh, Yale University
Peter Sarnak, Princeton University and Institute for Advanced Study
Ralf Spatzier, University of Michigan
Jean Paul Thouvenot, LPSM Sorbonne Université, France
Benjamin Weiss, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel
Amie Wilkinson, University of Chicago
Yakov Pesin (
Federico Rodriguez Hertz (
Victoria Sadovskaya (
Conference Staff Assistant:
Natasha Urbanik (
If you decided to participate in the conference, please, register at your earliest possible convenience by filling out the Registration form and submitting it electronically.
Participants will stay at the Sleep Inn and Days Inn. Participants should make their own hotel reservations and guarantee with a valid credit card. Guests will pay for their own lodging at the hotel during checkout. A block of rooms are set aside at the Sleep Inn (for Grad Students) and Days Inn (for Faculty). Please call hotel phone number listed - codes will not work with the online system.
The Conference Speakers will stay at the Atherton Hotel. Reservations will be made by the Department.
Sleep Inn: # 814-235-1020. Reference group code DSW 2018. Rates are $69.99+tax/night for 2 double beds or $65.99+tax/night for 1 Queen bed. **Reservations must be made on or before September 18, 2018.
Days Inn: # 1-800-258-3297 or 814-238-8454. Reference group code 100318PSU. Rates are $94+tax/night on 10/3/18 & 10/4/18 and $124+tax/night on 10/5/18 & 10/6/18. **Reservations must be made on or before September 5, 2018.
Should you decide change your arrival/depature dates or if you should decide not to attend, please contact the hotel directly. Please note: cancellation fees, early depature fees and no-show policies effective.
PLEASE NOTE: We would appreciate it if you could pay your lodging from your own grants to help provide additional support for young people to attend. However, we are able to provide partial support which normally consists of reimbursement of a shared double room (room & tax only).
Click here for detailed University Park campus map listing individual buildings. General information about State College including restaurant guides, hotel information, maps, weather forecast, etc. is available here. Travel instructions can be obtained from .
You may be interested in browsing the Anatole Katok Center for Dynamical Systems and Geometry webpage. There you will find our seminar schedule, list of special events, publications of group members, courses information.
The 28th Fall meeting of the
Semi-annual Workshop in Dynamical Systems and Related Topics
will take place on
October 5 - 8, 2017
It will be dedicated to the 70th birthdays of
Michael Brin and Yakov Pesin
All lectures will be at the Mathematics Department (McAllister building) at the Penn State University Park campus
This workshop first met at Penn State University in the spring of 1991. It has been hosted by Penn State University each fall since then, and each spring since 1992 by the University of Maryland, and is jointly sponsored by the two institutions. The basic funding of this workshop is provided by Department of Mathematics and the Center for Dynamics and Geometry at Penn State. Additional funding for some events at the meeting is provided by the Michael Brin Prize in Dynamical Systems fund and Nikolai Chernov Memorial Lectures fund.
A SPECIAL SESSION dedicated to the 70th birthday of YAKOV PESIN
will take place on Friday, October 6
will be awarded on Saturday, October 7
will be given by Carlangelo Liverani
A BANQUET in honor of Michael Brin and Yakov Pesin
will be held on Friday, October 6
Alex Blumenthal, University of Maryland
Lewis Bowen, University of Texas, Austin
Clark Butler, University of Chicago
Vaughn Climenhaga, University of Houston
Mark Demers, Fairfield University
Changguang Dong, Pennsylvania State University
Alena Erchenko, Pennsylvania State University
Kasun Fernando, University of Maryland
Boris Hasselblatt, Tufts University
Osama Khalil, Ohio State University
Carlangelo Liverani, University of Rome Tor Vergata, Italy
Shahriar Mirzadeh, Brandeis University
Sheldon Newhouse, Michigan State University
Enrique Pujals, IMPA, Brazil
Victoria Sadovskaya, Pennsylvania State University
Matthew Smith, University of Utah
Yaofeng Su, University of Houston
Domokos Szasz, Budapest University of Technology and Economics
Dan Thompson, Ohio State University
Amie Wilkinson, University of Chicago
Agnieszka Zelerowicz, Pennsylvania State University
Federico Rodriguez Hertz (
Victoria Sadovskaya (
Zhiren Wang (
Vaughn Climenhaga ( is a co-organizer of the special session dedicated to Yakov Pesin's birthday
Conference Staff Assistant:
Deanna M. Confer (
If you decided to participate in the conference, please, register at your earliest possible convenience by filling out the Registration form and submitting it electronically.
Participants will stay at the Sleep Inn, Days Inn, and Atherton Hotels. Participants should make their own hotel reservations and guarantee with a valid credit card. Guests will pay for their own lodging at the hotel during checkout. A block of rooms are set aside at the Sleep Inn (for Grad Students), Days Inn (for Faculty) and The Atherton Hotel (for Conference Speakers). Please call hotel phone number listed - codes will not work with the online system.
Sleep Inn: # 814-235-1020- Reference group code DSW 2017. Rates are $65+tax/night. **Reservations must be made on or before September 19, 2017.
Days Inn: # 1-800-258-3297 or 814-238-8454- Reference group code CGDYNA. Rates are $94+tax/night on 10/4/17 and 10/5/17 and $134+tax/night on 10/6/17 and 10/7/17. **Reservations must be made on or before September 6, 2017.
The Atherton Hotel: We will provide rooming list, please contact Conference Organizers. Rates are $95+tax/night on 10/4/17 and 10/5/17 and $160+tax/night on 10/6/17 and 10/7/17.&
Should you decide to change your arrival/departure days or if you should decide not to attend, please contact the hotel directly. Please note: cancellation fees, early departure fees and no-show policies effective.
PLEASE NOTE: We would appreciate it if you could pay your lodging from your own grants to help provide additional support for young people to attend. However, we are able to provide partial support which normally consists of reimbursement of a shared double room (room & tax only).
Click here for detailed University Park campus map listing individual buildings. General information about State College including restaurant guides, hotel information, maps, weather forecast, etc. is available here. Travel instructions can be obtained from
You may be interested in browsing the Penn State Center for Dynamics and Geometry webpage. There you will find our seminar schedule, list of special events, publications of group members, courses information.
The conference in memory of Kris Wysocki

will take place on April 29-30, 2017
All lectures will be at the Mathematics Department (McAllister building)
at the Penn State University Park campus
Yasha Eliashberg, Stanford
Helmut Hofer, Institute for Advanced Study
Vadim Kaloshin, University of Maryland
Dusa McDuff, Barnard College, Columbia
Katrin Wehrheim, UC Berkeley
The conference will feature colloquium style lectures coverings areas close to Kris Wysocki’s broad research interests.
The basic funding of the conference is provided by Penn State Department of Mathematics.
Additional funding is provided by the Center for Dynamics and Geometry at Penn State.
Conference organizers:
Helmut Hofer
Anatole Katok
Conference Staff Assistant:
Deanna M. Confer,
If you want to participate in the conference, please, register at your earliest possible convenience by filling out the Registration form and submitting it electronically.
Participants will stay at the Atherton Hotel, Sleep Inn and Days Inn Hotels. Please, make your hotel reservations directly.
Click here for detailed University Park campus map listing individual buildings.
General information about State College including restaurant guides, hotel information, maps, weather forecast, etc. is available here.
Travel instructions can be obtained from
The 27th Fall meeting of the
Semi-annual Workshop in Dynamical Systems and Related Topics
will take place on
October 27 - 30, 2016
All lectures will be at the Mathematics Department (McAllister building)
at the Penn State University Park campus
This workshop first met at Penn State University in the spring of 1991. It has been hosted by Penn State University each fall since then, and each spring since 1992 by the University of Maryland, and is jointly sponsored by the two institutions. The basic funding of the workshop is provided by an NSF grant. Additional funding for this meeting, is provided by the Center for Dynamics and Geometry at Penn State.
The Center for Dynamics and Geometry at Penn State has established
The prize, which carries a cash award of $4,000 will honor researchers
up to 4 years after their Ph.D.
will be awarded on Saturday, October 29.
The Prize Committee is currently composed of
Artur Avila, Giovanni Forni, Federico Rodriguez Hertz and Omri Sarig.
The joint Workshop and Department of Mathematics Colloquium talk
will be given on Thursday, October 27 by
Yuval Peres, Microsoft Research Center
Confirmed Speakers:
Joe Auslander, University of Maryland, College Park
Alex Blumenthal, University of Maryland, College Park
Sarah Bray, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
Aaron Brown, University of Chicago
Keith Burns, Northwestern University
Jon Chaika, University of Utah
Vaughn Climenhaga, University of Houston
Todd Fisher, Brigham Young University
Alexander Gamburd, Graduate Center, CUNY
Anton Gorodetski, University of California, Irvine
Boris Hasselblatt, Tufts University
Svetlana Jitomirskaya, University of California, Irvine
Konstantin Khanin, University of Toronto
Ilya Khayutin, Princeton University and IAS
Carlos Matheus, IMPA, Brazil
Peter Nandori, University of Maryland, College Park
Omri Sarig, Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel
Dan Thompson, Ohio State University
Kurt Vinhage, University of Chicago
Workshop Banquet
will be held on Friday, October 28 at 7PM at Fuji & Jade Garden Restaurant,
418 Westerly Pkwy, State College, PA 16801.
The price is $30 ($15 for graduate students); it will cover food and tip. Drinks will be purchased individually.
Register for the banquet upon arrival to Penn State, payment is due upon registration.
Yakov Pesin (
Zhiren Wang (
Conference Staff Assistant:
Deanna M. Confer (
If you decided to participate in the conference, please, register at your earliest possible convenience by filling out the Registration form and submitting it electronically.
Requests for reimbursement of local expenses will be considered by the organizers.
Participants will stay at the Atherton Hotel, Sleep Inn and Days Inn Hotels. Please, make your hotel reservations directly.
Click here for detailed University Park campus map listing individual buildings.
General information about State College including restaurant guides, hotel information, maps, weather forecast, etc. is available here.
Travel instructions can be obtained from .
You may be interested in browsing the Penn State Center for Dynamics and Geometry webpage. There you will find our seminar schedule, list of special events, publications of group members, courses information.
The 26th Fall meeting of the
Semi-annual Workshop in Dynamical Systems and Related Topics
will take place on
October 22 - 25, 2015
All lectures will be at the Mathematics Department (McAllister building)
at the Penn State University Park
This workshop first met at Penn State University in the spring of 1991. It has been hosted by Penn State University each fall since then, and each spring since 1992 by the University of Maryland, and is jointly sponsored by the two institutions. The basic funding of the workshop is provided by an NSF grant. Additional funding for this meeting, is provided by the Center for Dynamics and Geometry at Penn State.
will be awarded on Saturday, October 24.
Saturday afternoon session will feature the award ceremony and two talks dedicated to
award winning work and other achievements of the winner.
Confirmed general sessions Speakers:
David Aulicino, University of Chicago
Alex Blumenthal, Courant Institute, New York University
Jianyu Chen, Michigan State University
Vaughn Climenhaga, University of Houston
Mark Demers, Fairfield University
Giovanni Forni, University of Maryland, College Park
Andrey Gogolev, Binghamton University, SUNY
Yulij Ilyashenko, Cornell University and NRU HSE
Michael Jakobson, University of Maryland, College Park
Adam Kanigowski, The Pennsylvania State University
Anton Lukyanenko, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
Kevin McGoff, University of North Carolina, Charlotte
Peter Nandori, University of Maryland, College Park
Jana Rodriguetz Hertz, Universidad de la República, Uruguay
Klaus Schmidt, University of Vienna
Michael Shub, CUNY Graduate Center
James Tanis, College de France
Raul Ures, Universidad de la República, Uruguay
Zhenqi Wang, Michigan State University
Vadim Zharnitski, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Workshop Banquet
will be held on Friday, October 23 at 7PM at Fuji & Jade Garden Restaurant,
418 Westerly Pkwy, State College, PA 16801.
The price is $30 ($15 for graduate students); it will cover food and tip. Drinks will be purchased individually.
Register for the banquet upon arrival to Penn State, payment is due upon registration.
Anatole Katok (
Svetlana Katok (
Conference Staff Assistant:
Erica Workman (
Requests for reimbursement of local expenses will be considered by the organizers.
Participants will stay at the Atherton Hotel, Sleep Inn and Days Inn Hotels.
Click here for detailed University Park campus map listing individual buildings.
General information about State College including restaurant guides, hotel information, maps, weather forecast, etc. is available here.
Travel instructions can be obtained from .
You may be interested in browsing the Penn State Center for Dynamics and Geometry webpage. There you will find our seminar schedule, list of special events, publications of group members, courses information.
The 25th Fall meeting of the Semi-annual Workshop in Dynamical Systems and Related Topics will take place on October 16 - 19, 2014.
The workshop will be dedicated to the 70th birthday of Anatole Katok and his 50 years of research in dynamical systems.

All lectures will be held at the Mathematics Department (114 McAllister Building) at the Penn State University Park campus.
This workshop has been hosted each fall since 1991 by Penn State University and each spring since 1992 by the University of Maryland, and is jointly sponsored by the two institutions. The basic funding of the workshop is provided by an NSF grant. Additional funding for this meeting is provided by the Center for Dynamics and Geometry at Penn State and by Penn State Department of Mathematics.
Vitaly Bergelson, Ohio State University
Leonid Bunimovich, Georgia Institute of Technology
Alex Eskin, University of Chicago
Bassam Fayad, Université Paris 6 Pierre et Marie Curie
Livio Flaminio, Université des Sciences et Technologies de Lille
Giovanni Forni, University of Maryland, College Park
Anton Gorodetski, University of California, Invine
Yulij Ilyashenko, Cornell University
Vadim Kaloshin, University of Maryland, College Park
Konstantin Khanin, University of Toronto
Elon Lindenstrauss, Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Sheldon Newhouse, Michigan State University
Sheldon Newhouse, Michigan State University
Mark Pollicott, University of Warwick
Peter Sarnak, Princeton University and IAS
Aleksandr Sharkovsky, Institute of Mathematics, NAS of Ukraine
Ralf Spatzier, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
Amie Wilkinson, University of Chicago
Social events
Friday, October 17, 7:00 pm
RECITAL by Danya Katok, soprano and Nana Shi, piano
110 Music Building I
Saturday, October 18, 7:00 pm
BANQUET at Fuji & Jade Garden Restaurant,
418 Westerly Pkwy, State College, PA 16801.
The banquet price is $30 ($15 for graduate students), it will cover
food and tip. Drinks will be purchased individually.
If you plan to attend, e-mail Hope Shaffer
Organizers: Boris Kalinin ( )
Yakov Pesin ( )
Federico Rodriguez Hertz ( )
Conference staff assistant:
Hope Shaffer (, 814-863-9017)
If you decided to participate in the conference, please, retrieve the Registration Form or Registration Form, fill it out, and email it to
Requests for reimbursement of local expenses will be considered by the organizers.
Participants will stay at the Atherton Hotel, Sleep Inn and Days Inn Hotels. Please, make your hotel reservation directly.
Click here for detailed University Park campus maps listing individual buildings.
General information about State College including restaurant guides, hotel information, maps, weather forecast, etc. is available here.
Travel instructions can be obtained from .
You may be interested in browsing the Penn State Center for Dynamics and Geometry webpage. There you will find our seminar schedule, list of special events, publications of group members, courses information,
To convert Word documents to HTML code use the free online program. Please subscribe for a HTML G membership to stop adding promotional messages to the edited documents.
The 24rd Fall meeting of the
Semi-annual Workshop in Dynamical Systems and Related Topics
will take place on
October 17 - 20, 2013.
There will be a party at the Katoks' house on Thursday night and a banquet on Friday night at Fuji & Jade Garden.
The banquet price is $27 ($15 for graduate students), if you plan to attend please e-mail Hope Shaffer.
All lectures will be at the Mathematics Department (McAllister building)
at the Penn State University Park
This workshop first met at Penn State University in the spring of 1991. It has been hosted by Penn State University each fall since then, and each spring since 1992 by the University of Maryland, and is jointly sponsored by the two institutions. The basic funding of the workshop is provided by an NSF grant. Additional funding for this meeting, is provided by the Center for Dynamics and Geometry at Penn State.

A SPECIAL SESSION dedicated to the 70th birthday of JOHN FRANKS
will take place on Friday, October 18 and feature talks on the topics related to his work.
sponsored by the Center for Dynamics and Geometry at Penn State
will be awarded on Saturday, October 19.
Saturday afternoon session will feature the award ceremony and talks dedicated to the award winning work
and other achievements of the winner.
Special Session Speakers:
Philip Boyland
Sylvain Crovisier
Michael Handel
Anatole Katok
Patrice LeCalvez
Kamlesh Parwani
Invited Talks for general sessions:
Valentin Afraimovich
Jon Chaika
Huyi Hu
Bryna Kra
Klaus Schmidt
Nimish Shah
Ralf Spatzier
Zhiren Wang
Amie Wilkinson
Boris Kalinin ( )
Federico Rodriguez Hertz ( )
Conference staff assistant:
Hope Shaffer ( , 814-863-9017)
If you decided to participate in the conference, please, retrieve the Registration Form, fill it out, and email it to
Requests for reimbursement of local expenses will be considered by the organizers.
Participants will stay at the Atherton Hotel, Sleep Inn and Days Inn Hotels. Please, make your hotel reservation directly, and if you are requesting support please submit the Registration form by September 4.
Click here for detailed University Park campus maps listing individual buildings.
General information about State College including restaurant guides, hotel information, maps, weather forecast, etc. is available here.
Travel instructions can be obtained from .
You may be interested in browsing the Penn State Center for Dynamics and Geometry webpage. There you will find our seminar schedule, list of special events, publications of group members, courses information.
The 23rd Fall meeting of the Semi-annual Workshop in Dynamical Systems and Related Topics will take place on October 11 - 14, 2012.
All lectures will be at the Mathematics Department (McAllister building)
at the Penn State University Park
This workshop first met at Penn State University in the spring of 1991. It has been hosted by Penn State University each fall since then, and each spring since 1992 by the University of Maryland, and is jointly sponsored by the two institutions. The basic funding of the workshop is provided by an NSF grant. Additional funding for this meeting, is provided by the Center for Dynamics and Geometry at Penn State.

A SPECIAL SESSION dedicated to the 70th birthday of JEAN-PAUL THOUVENOT
will take place on SATURDAY, October 13 and feature talks on the topics related to his work.
Special Session Speakers:
Mike Boyle, University of Maryland
Anatole Katok, Penn State
Svetlana Katok, Penn State
Francois Ledrappier, University of Notre Dame
Karl Petersen, University of North Carolina
Terry Soo, University of Victoria
Invited Talks for general sessions:
Keith Burns, Northwestern University
Danijela Damjanovic, Rice University
Rafael de la Llave, Georgia Institute of Technology
Dmitry Dolgopyat, University of Maryland
John Franks, Northwestern University
Sheldon Newhouse, Michigan State University
Andrew Torok, University of Houston
There will also be short talks by recent Ph.D.'s and graduate students.
Boris Kalinin ( )
Federico Rodriguez Hertz ( )
Conference staff assistant:
Hope Shaffer ( , 814-863-9017)
Requests for reimbursement of local expenses will be considered by the organizers.
Participants will stay at the Atherton Hotel, Sleep Inn and Days Inn Hotels.
Click here for detailed University Park campus maps listing individual buildings.
General information about State College including restaurant guides, hotel information, maps, weather forecast, etc. is available here.
Travel instructions can be obtained from .
You may be interested in browsing the Penn State Center for Dynamics and Geometry webpage. There you will find our seminar schedule, list of special events, publications of group members, courses information.
Use the Word to HTML converter to avoid dirty web source and messy markup code!
Semi-annual Workshop in Dynamical
Systems and Related Topics
The 22nd Fall meeting of the Workshop in Dynamical Systems and Related Topics
will take place on
October 20 - 23, 2011.
All lectures will be at the Mathematics Department (McAllister building)
at the Penn State University Park
This workshop first met at Penn State University in the spring of 1991. It has been hosted by Penn State University each fall since then, and each spring since 1992 by the University of Maryland, and is jointly sponsored by the two institutions. The basic funding of the workshop is provided by an NSF grant. Additional funding for this meeting, is provided by the Center for Dynamics and Geometry at Penn State.
Anatole Katok (
Svetlana Katok (
Conference staff assistant:
Hope Shaffer (, 814-863-9017)
Requests for reimbursement of local expenses will be considered by the organizers.
If you decided to participate in the conference, please, retrieve the Registration Form, fill it out, and email it to A copy of your message will be sent to all organizers and the conference staff assistant
Click here for detailed University Park campus maps listing individual buildings.
General information about State College including restaurant guides, hotel information, maps, weather forecast, etc. is available here.
Travel instructions can be obtained from
You may be interested in browsing the Penn State Center for Dynamics and Geometry webpage. There you will find our seminar schedule, list of special events, publications of group members, courses information.
Last modified October 2, 2011
sponsored by the Center for Dynamics and Geometry at Penn State
will be awarded on Saturday, October 22.
Saturday afternoon session will feature the award ceremony and talks dedicated to the award winning work and other achievements of the winner.
Artur Avila, CNRS, Institut de Mathématiques de Jussieu and IMPA
Giovanni Forni, University of Maryland
Andrey Gogolev, SUNY Binghamton
Michel Jakobson, University of Maryland
Boris Kalinin, University of South Alabama
Vadim Kaloshin, University of Maryland
Konstantin Khanin, University of Toronto and Landau Institute, Russia
Victoria Sadovskaya, University of South Alabama
Omti Sarig, Weizmann Institute, Israel
Lin Shu, Peking University and University of Notre Dame
Zhiren Wang, Yale University and MSRI
Bryce Weaver, Switzerland
Saturday morning session will feature a number of short talks by young mathematicians in parallel sessions.
Semi-annual Workshop in Dynamical
Systems and Related Topics
The 21st Fall meeting of the Workshop in Dynamical Systems and Related Topics
will take place on
October 21 - 24, 2010.
All lectures will be at the Mathematics Department (McAllister building)
at the Penn State University Park
This workshop first met at Penn State University in the spring of 1991. It has been hosted by Penn State University each fall since then, and each spring since 1992 by the University of Maryland, and is jointly sponsored by the two institutions. The basic funding of the workshop is provided by an NSF grant. Additional funding for this meeting, is provided by the Center for Dynamics and Geometry at Penn State.
Renormalization for 2-dimensional Henon maps
Mikhail Lyubich, Stony Brook
Marco Martens, Stony Brook
Stability and instability in Hamiltonian systems and on Arnold diffusion
Joseph Galante, Maryland
Marian Gidea, Northeastern Illinois University
Marcel Guardia, PSU
Rafael de la Llave, UT Austin
Jinxin Xue, Maryland (visiting PSU)
Ke Zhang, Field Institute and University of Torono
Yong Zheng, Maryland
Aaron Brown, Tufts
Vaughn Climenhaga, Maryland
Amadeu Delshams, Univesity Polytechnica Catalunia
Giovanni Forni, Maryland
Svetlana Jitomirskaya, UC Irvine
Viorel Nitica, University of West Chester
Leonid Polterovich, University of Chicago
Nessim Sibony, Orsay, (visiting University of Michigan, Ann Arbor)
John Smillie, Cornell
Alfonso Sorrentino, Cambridge
Daniel Thompson, PSU
Rodrigo Trevino, Maryland
Zhenqi Jenny Wang, Yale
Vadim Kaloshin (
Anatole Katok (
Svetlana Katok (
Conference staff assistant:
Hope Shaffer (, 814-863-9017)
Requests for reimbursement of local expenses will be considered by the organizers.
Participants will stay at the Atherton Hotel, Sleep Inn and Days Inn Hotels.
If you decided to participate in the conference, please, retrieve the Registration Form, fill it out, and email it to A copy of your message will be sent to all organizers and the conference staff assistant.
Click here for detailed University Park campus maps listing individual buildings.
General information about State College including restaurant guides, hotel information, maps, weather forecast, etc. is available here.
Travel instructions can be obtained from
You may be interested in browsing the Penn State Center for Dynamics and Geometry webpage. There you will find our seminar schedule, list of special events, publications of group members, courses information, etc.
Semi-annual Workshop in Dynamical
Systems and Related Topics
The 20th Fall meeting of the Workshop in Dynamical Systems and Related Topics
will take place on
OCTOBER 29 - November 1, 2009.
All lectures will be at the Mathematics Department (McAllister building)
at the Penn State University Park campus.
This workshop has been hosted each fall since 1991 by Penn State University and each spring since 1992 by the University of Maryland, and is jointly sponsored by the two institutions. The basic funding of the workshop is provided by an NSF grant. Additional funding for this meeting, is provided by the Center for Dynamics and Geometry at Penn State.
Schedule of Talks and Abstracts
Anatole Katok (
Svetlana Katok (
Conference staff assistant:
Hope Shaffer (, 814-863-9017)
Requests for reimbursement of local expenses will be considered by the organizers.
Participants will stay at the Atherton Hotel, Sleep Inn and Days Inn Hotels.
If you decided to participate in the conference, please, retrieve the Registration Form, fill it out, and email it to A copy of your message will be sent to all organizers and the conference staff assistant.
Click here for detailed University Park campus maps listing individual buildings.
General information about State College including restaurant guides, hotel information, maps, weather forecast, etc. is available here.
Travel instructions can be obtained from
You may be interested in browsing the Penn State Center for Dynamics and Geometry webpage. There you will find our seminar schedule, list of special events, publications of group members, courses information, etc.
Semi-annual Workshop in Dynamical Systems and Related Topics
The 19th Fall meeting of the Workshop in Dynamical Systems and Related
will take place on
OCTOBER 23-26, 2008.
All lectures will be at the Mathematics Department (McAllister building)
at the Penn State
University Park campus.
Invited Speakers
V. Bergelson (Ohio)
K. Burns (Northwestern)
D. Damanik (Rice)
D. Dolgopyat (Maryland)
M. Einsiedler (Ohio)
A. Fish (Ohio)
G. Forni (Maryland)
A. Gogolev (Penn State)
A. Gorodnik(Bristol)
B. Hasselblatt (Tufts)
M. Hochman (Princeton)
A. Nabutovsky (Toronto)
H. Oh (Brown)
J. Sotomayor (Sao Paulo)
R. Spatzier (Michigan)
M. Todd (Porto)
L.-S. Young (Courant)
This workshop has been hosted each fall since 1991 by Penn State University and each spring since 1992 by the University of Maryland, and is jointly sponsored by the two institutions.
The basic funding of the workshop is provided by an NSF grant.
Additional funding for this meeting,
is provided by the
Center for Dynamics and Geometry at Penn State.
Yakov Pesin (,
Omri Sarig (,
Geometry Special Session organized by
Dmitri Burago (,
will take place on Sunday, October 26
Conference staff assistant:
Hope Shaffer (,
Requests for reimbursement of local expences will be considered by the organizers.
Participants will stay at the
Atherton Hotel,
Sleep Inn and Days Inn Hotels.
If you decided to participate in the conference, please, retrieve the Registration Form, fill it out, and email it to, A copy of your message will be sent to all organizers and the conference staff assistant.
Click here for detailed University Park campus maps listing individual buildings.
General information about State College including restaurant guides, hotel information, maps, weather forecast, etc. is available here. Travel instructions can be obtained from
You may be interested in browsing the Penn State Center for Dynamics and Geometry webpage. There you will find our seminar schedule, list of special events, publications of group members, courses information, etc.
Schedule of Talks
(with links to abstracts)
Thursday, October 18, 2007 | ||
9:20-9:30 | -- Welcoming remarks -- | |
9:30-10:30 | Benjamin Weiss | Measured topological dynamics |
10:30-11:00 | -- coffee break -- | |
11:00-12:00 | Stephen Simpson | Medvedev degrees of 2-dimensional subshifts of finite type |
12:00-2:30 | -- lunch break -- | |
2:30-3:30 | John Clemens | Isomorphism of subshifts and countable Borel equivalence relations |
3:30-4:00 | Departamental Tea | |
4:00-5:00 | Giovanni Forni | Mathematics Colloquium: On the Greenfield-Wallach and Katok conjectures |
5:10-5:40 | Alex Yurchenko | Where to place a hole to achieve a maximum escape |
5:40-6:10 | Alexander Grigo | Defocusing fails for non-absolutely focusing components |
Friday, October 19, 2007 | ||
9:30-10:30 | Manfred Denker | Thermodynamic formalism for skew products |
10:30-11:00 | -- coffee break -- | |
11:00-12:00 | Dmitry Scheglov | Absence of mixing for special flows over interval exchange maps |
12:00-2:15 | -- lunch break -- | |
2:15-3:15 | Yulij Ilyashenko | Non-attracting attractors |
3:15-3:45 | -- coffee break - | |
3:45-4:45 | Boris Hasselblatt | The miracle of Anosov Baire rigidity – nonuniform hyperbolicity everywhere implies uniform hyperbolicity |
4:45-5:15 | Jacopo De Simoi | Complex dynamics in a model for phase transitions |
5:15-5:45 | Jon Chaika | Hausdorff dimensions for ergodic measures of IETs |
5:45-6:15 | Jim Tseng | Playing Schmidt game with Markov partition |
7:00- | -- Workshop banquet at the "Fuji and Jade Garden" Restaurant, 418 Westerly Parkway, State College PA 16801-- | |
Saturday, October 20, 2007 | ||
9:30-10:30 | Marcelo Viana | Absolute continuity, Lyapunov exponents, rigidity |
10:30-11:00 | -- coffee break -- | |
11:00-12:00 | Huyi Hu | Infimum of entropy of hyperbolic attractors |
12:00-2:15 | -- lunch break -- | |
2:15-3:15 | John Mather | Alnold diffusion |
3:15-3:45 | -- coffee break -- | |
3:45-4:45 | Vadim Kaloshinn | Arnold diffusion through a double resonance: an example of Hedlund type |
4:45-5:45 | Marian Gidea | Diffusion with optimal time in the large gap problem |
8:00- | -- Party at the Levis: 196 Potter Lane, Port Matilda, PA 16870 -- | |
Sunday, October 21, 2007 | ||
9:30-10:30 | Wolfgang Ziller | Manifolds with positive sectional curvature |
10:30-10:50 | -- coffee break -- | |
10:50-11:50 | Larry Guth | Area-contracting maps |
11:50-1:10 | Lunch break | |
1:10-2:10 | Yaron Ostrover | Symplectic measurements and convexity |
2:10-3:00 | Yuri Zarhin | Finite linear groups, invariant lattices and elliptic curves |
Semi-annual Workshop
in Dynamical Systems and Related Topics
The 17th Fall meeting of the Workshop in
Dynamical Systems and Related Topics
will take place on
NOVEMBER 2-5, 2006.
All lectures will be at the Mathematics Department (McAllister building)
at the Penn State University Park campus reopened in 2005 after an
extensive renovation.
The workshop will celebrate inauguration of the Journal of Modern Dynamics. Its principal theme will be
The basic funding of the workshop is provided by an NSF grant. Additional funding including extra support for invited speakers is provided by the Center for Dynamics and Geometry at Penn State.
Updated Schedule of Talks
The workshop will
feature one-hour talks, some of
them by the editors of the journal,
highlighting the interface between dynamical systems and various
mathematical fields and disciplines
including those featured in the JMD announcement.
In addition to the main theme there will be a geometry special session,
and shorter talks by young participants, including advanced graduate
students and post-docs.

Invited Speakers:
Dmitry Dolgopyat (Penn State and
Hillel Furstenberg (Hebrew University),
Rostislav Grigorchuk (Texas A&M),
Boris Kalinin (University of South Alabama),
Gerhard Knieper (Ruhr University at Bochum)
Dmitry Kleinbock (Brandeis),
Jens Marklof (University of Bristol),
Mark Pollicott (University of Warwick),
Leonid Polterovich (Tel Aviv University),
Ralf Spatzier (University of Michigan),
Amie Wilkinson (Northwestern University),
Alistair Windsor (University of Texas, Austin)
Invited Speakers of Geometry session:
Yuri Burago (St. Petersburg),
Bruce Kleiner (Yale),
Nikita Netsvetaev (St. Petersburg, visiting Penn State),
Christina Sormani (CUNY),
Jeremy Wang (University of Toronto)
Anatole Katok (
Svetlana Katok (
Geometry Special Session organized by
Dmitri Burago (
Conference staff assistant:
Hope Shaffer (,
Requests for reimbursement of local expenses will be considered by
the organizers.
Participants will stay at the Atherton Hotel,
Sleep Inn and Days Inn Hotels.
Click here for detailed University Park campus maps listing individual buildings. General information about State College including travel instructions, restaurant guides, hotel information, maps, weather forecast, etc. is available on our State College webpage.
You may be interested in browsing the Penn State Center for Dynamics and Geometry webpage. There you will find our seminar schedule, list of special events, publications of group
members, courses information, etc.
Semi-annual Workshop in Dynamical Systems and Related Topics
The 16th Fall meeting of the Workshop in Dynamical Systems and Related Topics
at Penn State will feature a special
Conference in honor of Michael Jakobson's sixtieth birthday.
The conference will take place on
OCTOBER 14-17, 2005 (Friday through Monday)
in room 114 of the newly renovated century old McAllister building of the Penn State Mathematics Department.
The workshop is sponsored by The Center for Dynamics and Geometry at Penn State.
Two of the four days of the conference will be dedicated to the real low-dimensional dynamics, the subject to which Jakobson made seminal contributions and where he exercised the strongest influence. The remaining two days will feature invited talks on a variety of subjects in dynamics and related areas by distinguished collaborators, colleagues and friends of Jakobson. There will be a banquet during the conference in Jakobson's honor.

Jose Alves (Universidade Porto, Portugal),
Michael Benedicks (KTH, Stokholm, Sweden),
Pavel Bleher (IUPUI, Indianapolis),
Leonid Bunimovich (Georgia Tech),
Jacek Graczyk (Univercity of Paris, Orsay, France),
Yulij Ilyashenko (Cornell University and IUM, Moscow, Russia),
Francois Ledrappier (University of Notre Dame),
Stefano Luzzatto (Imperial College, London, UK),
Gregory Margulis (Yale Iniversity),
Michal Misiurewicz (IUPUI, Indianapolis),
Sheldon Newhouse (Michigan State University),
Samuel Senti (IMPA, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil),
Sebastian van Strien (University of Warwick, UK),
Greg Swiatek (Penn State University),
Masato Tsujii (Hokkaido University, Japan)
Marcelo Viana (IMPA, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil),
Lai-Sang Young (NYU, Courant Institute).
Schedule of Talks
Requests for reimbursement of local expences will be considered by the Organizing Committee.
Participants will stay at the Atherton Hotel, Sleep Inn and Days Inn Hotels.
Click here for detailed University Park campus maps listing individual buildings. General information about State College including travel instructions, restaurant guides, hotel information, maps, weather forecast, etc. is available on our State College webpage.
You may be interested in browsing the Penn State Center for Dynamics and Geometry webpage. There you will find our seminar schedule, list of special events, publications of group members, courses information, etc.
Semi-annual Workshop in Dynamical Systems and Related Topics
Fall 2004 Workshop October 14-17, Penn State University
October 14: 122 Heritage Hall at the HUB-Robeson Center
October 15: 111 Wartik Laboratory
October 16-17: 110 Wartik Laboratory
This is the 15th Penn State meeting in the series of regular meetings dedicated to recent results in the theory of smooth dynamical systems, ergodic theory, symbolic dynamics, topological dynamics, Hamiltonian mechanics and related areas in differential geometry, differential equations, Lie theory and partial differential equations, and is sponsored by Penn State and the University of Maryland. It is intended to provide a focus of activities and a meeting place primarily for mathematicians from the northeast region working in this field.
The workshop will feature a special session on MEASURE RIGIDITY and the whole day session on RIEMANNIAN AND METRIC GEOMETRY on Sunday, October 17.
Schedule of Talks
The workshop is funded by the National Science Foundation and The Center for Dynamics and Geometry at Penn State.
Participants will stay at the Sleep Inn and Days Inn Hotels .
The conference organizers are Anatole Katok and Svetlana Katok. The conference staff assistant is Hope Shaffer. To request further information about participating in the workshop and/or giving a talk, please send email to
If you decided to participate in the conference, please, retrieve the Registration Form, fill it out, and email it to
Semi-annual Workshop in Dynamical Systems and Related Topics
Fall 2003 Workshop October 23-26, Penn State University
Atherton Hotel, State College, PA

of Sheldon Newhouse in connection
with his recent sixtieth birthday.
Saturday and Sunday are devoted
to this celebration.
This is the 14th Penn State meeting in the series of regular meetings dedicated to recent results in the theory of smooth dynamical systems, ergodic theory, symbolic dynamics, topological dynamics, Hamiltonian mechanics and related areas in differential geometry, differential equations, Lie theory and partial differential equations, and is sponsored by Penn State and the University of Maryland. It is intended to provide a focus of activities and a meeting place primarily for mathematicians from the northeast region working in this field. We plan two major focuses this year.
Recently there have been many new results on applications of dynamics, especially in billiards and number theory. We plan to have a special session on Friday on this topic.
The workshop is funded by the National Science Foundation and The Center for Dynamical Systems at Penn State.
Most participants will stay at the Atherton Hotel .
The conference organizers are Bryna Kra and Yasha Pesin. The conference staff assistant is Hope Shaffer. To request further information about participating in the workshop and/or giving a talk, please send email to A copy of your message will be sent to all organizers and the conference staff assistant.
General information about State College including travel instructions, restaurant guides, hotel information, maps, weather forecast, etc. is available on our State College webpage.
You may be interested in browsing the Penn State Center for Dynamical System's webpage. There you will find our seminar schedule, list of special events, publications of group members, courses information, etc..
Semi-annual Workshop in Dynamical Systems and Related Topics
Fall 2002 Workshop October 12-15, Penn State University
Thomas Building
This is the 13th Penn State meeting in the series of regular meetings dedicated to recent results in the theory of smooth dynamical systems, ergodic theory, symbolic dynamics, topological dynamics, Hamiltonian mechanics and related areas in differential geometry, differential equations, Lie theory and partial differential equations, and is sponsored by Penn State and the University of Maryland. It is intended to provide a focus of activities and a meeting place primarily for mathematicians from the northeast region working in this field.
This year's meeting is the first part of John Mather's fest organized on the occasion of his 60th birthday to be followed by a conference at Princeton University on October 17-20. We plan to have talks related to Mather's work given by some prominent mathematicians.
The workshop is funded by the National Science Foundation and The Center for Dynamical Systems at Penn State. Beginning in the Fall 2000, NSF support has been increased from $6,000 to $8,000.
The meeting will start on Saturday, Oct 12 at 9:00 am (please, note that the start time has changed) and will end by the lunchtime on Tuesday, Oct 15th. Please, note that this year's meeting will be held in the Thomas Building located on Penn State campus, and not at the Atherton Hotel. Most participants will stay at the Sleep Inn Hotel.
The conference organizers are Svetlana Katok and Yasha Pesin. The conference staff assistant is Hope Shaffer. To request further information about the workshop please send email to A copy of your message will be sent to all organizers and the conference staff assistant.
Schedule of Talks
General information about State College including travel instructions, restaurant guides, hotel information, maps, weather forecast, etc. is available on our State College webpage.
You may be interested in browsing the Penn State Center for Dynamical System's webpage. There you will find our seminar schedule, list of special events, publications of group members, courses information, etc..
Semi-annual Workshop in Dynamical Systems and Related Topics
Fall 2001 Workshop October 11-14, Penn State University
at the Atherton Hotel, State College, PA
This is the 12th Penn State meeting in the series of regular meetings dedicated to recent results in the theory of smooth dynamical systems, ergodic theory, symbolic dynamics, topological dynamics, Hamiltonian mechanics and related areas in differential geometry, differential equations, Lie theory and partial differential equations, and is sponsored by Penn State and the University of Maryland. It is intended to provide a focus of activities and a meeting place primarily for mathematicians from the northeast region working in this field. The workshop is funded by the National Science Foundation and The Center for Dynamical Systems at Penn State. Beginning in the Fall 2000, NSF support has been increased from $6,000 to $8,000.
The meeting will start on Thursday, Oct 11 at 1 pm. and will end by the lunchtime on Sunday, Oct 14th. It will be held on Thursday and Friday at the Atherton Hotel and on Saturday and Sunday in Thomas Building located on Penn State campus. Most participants will stay at the Atherton Hotel.
The conference organizers are Svetlana Katok and Yasha Pesin . The conference secretary is Hope Shaffer. To request further information about the workshop please send email to A copy of your message will be sent to all organizers and the conference secretary.
General information about State College including travel instructions, restaurant guides, hotel information, maps, weather forecast, etc. is available on our State College webpage.
You may be interested in browsing the Penn State Center for Dynamical System's webpage. There you will find our seminar schedule, list of special events, publications of group members, courses information, etc..
Semi-annual Workshop in Dynamical Systems and Related Topics
Spring 2001 Workshop March 17-20, University of Maryland
Fall 2000 Workshop October 26-29, Penn State University
at the Atherton Hotel, State College, PA
This is the eleventh Penn State meeting in the series of regular meetings dedicated to recent results in the theory of smooth dynamical systems, ergodic theory, symbolic dynamics, topological dynamics, Hamiltonian mechanics and related areas in differential geometry, differential equations, Lie theory and partial differential equations, and is sponsored by Penn State and the University of Maryland. It is intended to provide a focus of activities and a meeting place primarily for mathematicians from the northeast region working in this field. The workshop is funded by the National Science Foundation and The Center for Dynamical Systems at Penn State. Beginning in the Fall 2000, NSF support has been increased from $6,000 to $8,000.
The meeting will be held at the Atherton Hotel located close to campus. Most participants will stay at the Atherton. The meetings will start on Thursday, Oct 26 in the morning and will end by the lunchtime on Sunday, Oct 29th.
The conference organizers are Svetlana Katok and Yasha Pesin . The conference secretary is Rosemary Manning. To request further information about the workshop please send email to A copy of your message will be sent to all organizers and the conference secretary.
Principal speakers include: E. Bedford, K. Burns, G. Galperin, N. Haydn, B. Hunt, S. Hurder, Yu. Ilyashenko, F. Ledrappier, E. Lindenstrauss, J. Mather, H. Masur, V. Nitica, L. Polterovich, E. Pujals, J. Schmeling, J. Smillie, J. Yorke, A. Wilkinson
General information about State College including travel instructions, restaurant guides, hotel information, maps, weather forecast, etc. is available on our State College webpage.
You may be interested in browsing the Penn State Center for Dynamical System's webpage. There you will find our seminar schedule, list of special events, publications of group members, courses information, etc..