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Astronomy and Astrophysics


The Department has one of the most productive astronomy research programs in the country, according to the recent multi-year study by the National Research Council. We also have the highest number of publications per faculty member per year, and the we are in the top three (along with Princeton University and the California Institute of Technology) in the NRC Survey-based quality score.

Chandra Deep Field-South.
the pulsar geminga
Areas of Research

We are involved in a wide variety of observational, experimental, and theoretical projects that cover most active areas of astrophysical research.

Center for Explanets and Habitable Worlds logo

Some of the largest astronomy research efforts at Penn State are coordinated through our centers and institutes.

Centers and Institutes
Chandra Deep Field-South.
Hobby Eberly Telescope
Telescopes and Instrumentation

Penn State is a partner in a number of prominent multi-institution and international research collaborations built around world-class instrumentation.

Research Visitor

Resources and helpful information for our research visitors.

For Research Visitors