Teacher Workshops
The Penn State In-Service Workshops in Astronomy (PSIWA) are a series of content-rich summer programs for middle- and high-school science teachers. The purpose is to promote stimulating new activities and instruction in astronomy at the secondary school level which will increase and sustain student enthusiasm for physical science. The workshops include informative presentations, hands-on laboratory and computer activities, multimedia curricular materials, guest research lectures, and pedagogical discussions. Content is oriented towards the National Science Education Standards and the Pennsylvania Academic Standards for Science and Technology.
Full scholarships are sometimes available to cover Penn State tuition for these courses. Lodging, parking, and meals are included, as well as a set of curricular materials including a textbook, activity guides, computer software, and NASA posters and lithographs.
For more information about the scholarship program, contact Chris Palma at cxp137@psu.edu.
The PSIWA courses have been incorporated into a larger program run by the Pennsylvania Space Grant Consortium, which includes workshops for science teachers in other content areas. Visit the Science Workshops for Educators program for more information.