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Stochastic Modeling and Computational Statistics

Fall 2023

SMAC talks are held each Friday during fall and spring semesters from 10:10 AM to 11:00 AM in 327 Thomas Building and on Zoom. Talks last 40 minutes, with time for clarification questions. The last 10 minutes are for open-ended discussion.

The general guidelines for each talk: 

  1. 40 minutes for each talk + 10 minutes for discussion.
  2. The talk should be accessible to all grad students who have completed 1 year of the program.
  3. Informal style. For instance, chalk and blackboard talks are welcome.
  4. Interruptions during the talk are welcome but they should only be for clarifications; longer questions are to be left to the discussion period.
  5. Unpublished work may not be shared or discussed outside the group without the permission of the speaker/author.
  6. While a large proportion of the talks may be related to stochastic modeling and computing, a much broader list of topics have also been discussed in this series.
Date Speaker Title
9/1/23 Anirudh Subramanyam  Optimization with Rare Events
9/8/23 Stephen Berg Statistical and computational aspects of shape-constrained inference for covariance function estimation
9/15/23 Jingyuan Liu A Generalized Knockoff Procedure for FDR Control in Structural Change Detection
9/22/23 Omar Hagrass Spectral Regularized Kernel Goodness-of-Fit Tests
9/29/23 Jacopo Iorio Two new biclustering-inspired FDA methods.
10/6/23 Wei Zhong Estimation and Inference for Multi-Kink Quantile Regression
10/13/23 Murali Haran The Intractable Normalizing Function Problem
10/27/23 Cornelius Fritz A Scalable Statistical Platform for Learning from Discrete and Dependent Attribute and Network Data Generalizing GLMs
11/10/23 Satarupa Bhattacharjee Geodesic Mixed Effects Models for Repeatedly Observed/Longitudinal Random Objects
11/17/23 Benjamin Roycraft Feature Generating Models: Inference in Purely High Dimensions

A look back at previous SMAC TALKS.