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Prabhani Kuruppumullage Don

Associate Research Professor; Director of Online Programs
Prabhani Kuruppumullage Don


Prabhani Kuruppumullage Don is an Assistant Research Professor of Statistics and Assistant Director of Online Programs at Penn State.

Kuruppumullage Don received her Ph.D. in Statistics from Penn State University in 2014. She received her Masters in Statistics from Penn State in 2011, and a B.Sc. (First Class honors) in Statistics from University of Colombo in 2005.

Her research interests include methods statistical computing, statistical genetics, and bioinformatics. Recently she has also started working on some collaborative projects on statistical education.

Kuruppumullage Don joined Penn State as faculty in 2018 and has been serving as the Assistant Director of the Departmental Online Programs since then. Since 2019, she also serves as the the program director for the online Graduate Certificate in Applied Statistics and as a Biostatistician with Clinical and Translational Science Institute. Before joining Penn State, she served as an Assistant Professor of Statistics at University of Rhode Island (2016-2018) and as a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute and Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health (2014-2016). Since 2018 she serves as a reviewer for the American Journal of Distance Education.


Honors and Awards

PI, Penn State Schreyer Institute of Teaching Excellence Teaching and Learning Scholarship Grant (2019)

Co-I, Penn State Center for Human Evolution and Diversity Seed Grant (2019)

Co-PI, Big Ideas in Health by Institute of Integrated Health & Innovation, The University of Rhode Island (2017)



  • Belviso, N., Zhang, Y., Aronow, H.D., Wyss, R., Barbour, M., Kogut, S., Lawal, O.D., Zhan, S., Kuruppumullage Don P., and Wen, X., (2021), Addressing Post-Treatment Selection Bias in Comparative Effectiveness Research, Using Real-World Data and Simulation, American Journal of Epidemiology
  • De Souza, M.J., Mallinson, R.J., Strock, N.C.A, Koltun, K.J., Olmsted, M.P., Ricker, E.A., Scheid, J.L., Allaway, H.C., Mallinson, D.J., Kuruppumullage Don P., and Williams, N. I., (2021), Randomized Controlled Trial of the Effects of Increased Energy Intake on Menstrual Recovery in Exercising Women with Menstrual Disturbances: the 'REFUEL' Study, Human Reproduction, 36 (8): 2285-2297.
  • Hunter, D., Kuruppumullage Don P., and Lindsay B.G., (2019), An Expansive View of EM Algorithms, Handbook of Mixture Analysis.
  • Busch, E.L., Kuruppumullage Don P., Chu, H., Richardson, D.B., Keku, T.O., Eberhard, D.A., Avery, C.L., and Sandler, R.S., (2018), Diagnostic accuracy and prediction increment of markers of epithelial-mesenchymal transition to assess cancer cell detachment from primary tumors, BMC Cancer, 18 (82).
  • Kuruppumullage Don P., Evans, J.L., Chiaromonte F., and Kowaleski A.M., (2016), MixtureBased Path Clustering for Synthesis of ECMWF Ensemble Forecasts of Tropical Cyclone Evolution, Monthly Weather Review, 114 (9): 3301–3320.
  • Bartolucci, F., Chiaromonte F., Kuruppumullage Don P., and Lindsay B.G., (2016), Composite likelihood inference in a discrete latent variable model for two-way ”clustering by-segmentation” problems, Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics.
  • Kuruppumullage Don P., Ananda G., Chiaromonte F. and Makova K., (2013), Segmenting the human genome based on states of neutral genetic divergence, the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) USA, 110 (36): 14699-14704.
  • Markatou M., Kuruppumullage Don P., Hu J., Wang F., Sun J., Sorrentino R., and Ebadollahi S., (2012), Case-based reasoning in comparative effectiveness research, IBM Journal of Research and Development, 56(5): 5-44.



STAT380 - Data Science Through Statistical Reasoning and Computation 

STAT500 - Applied Statistics (online)

STAT501 - Regression Methods (online)

STAT502 - Analysis of Variance and Design of Experiments (online)

STAT503 - Design of Experiments

STAT505 - Applied Multivariate Statistical Analysis (online)

STAT555 - The Statistical Analysis of Genomics Data (online)

STAT580 - Statistical Consulting Practicum I (online)