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Marjorie Bond

Teaching Professor of Statistics
Marjorie Bond


Marjorie Bond is a Teaching Professor of Statistics at Penn State.

She received her PhD in Statistics from Kansas State University in 1996, her MA and BS in Mathematics from the University of New Mexico in 1992 and 1990, respectively, and an AS in Mathematics from Amarillo College in 1987.

Bond's research team, Motivational Attitudes toward Statistics and Data Science Education Research (MASDER) are developing a family of instruments to measure student's attitudes toward statistics and data science (SDS), instructor's attitudes toward teaching SDS, and the salient environment characteristics that the students and instructor interact. Through funding from NSF, DUE-2013392 grant, the set of instruments of the Survey of Motivational Attitudes toward Statistics (SOMAS) or Data Science (SOMADS) will be available on a website for researchers or instructors to administer and receive the resulting data.

From 2006 to 2014, she worked on the Survey of Attitudes Toward Statistics (SATS) with Dr. Candace Schau to collect "The SATS Project" that is a nationwide collection of students’ responses to pre- and post- SATS results as well as students’ grades and data from course and instructor inventories. The database is publicly available and contains information on approximately 3,500 students, 30 instructors, and 120 sections.

After 26 years at small residential liberal arts college, Monmouth College in Illinois, Bond retired as a Professor Emerita and joined Penn State as a Teaching Professor in 2022. Here is an article that is full of material: Bond continues to present the workshop, "Identifying and Addressing Difficult Concepts for Students in the Introductory Statistics Course" that she developed with Dr. Deborah Rumsey of The Ohio State University in 2011.


Honors and Awards

  • Faculty Marshal: Chief (Fall 2008 – present), Associate (Fall 1999 – Fall 2008).
  • Faculty advisor for Alpha Xi Delta (1997 - 2008); Awarded “Outstanding Co - Chapter Advisor of the Midwest Territory” from National Council, 2004; Awarded “Outstanding Greek Advisor” and Outstanding Advisor of Student Organization” by Monmouth College, 2004
  • Phi Beta Kappa (inducted 1990), academic honor society for the liberal arts and sciences
  • Kappa Mu Epsilon (inducted 1988), mathematics honor society
  • Phi Theta Kappa (inducted 1985), academic honor society for associate degrees



  • Whitaker, D., Unfried, A., and Bond, M. “Challenges Associated with Measuring Attitudes Using the SATS Family of Instruments” Statistics Education Research Journal , 2022, Vol. 21, No. 1.
  • Whitaker, D., Unfried, A., and Bond, M. (2019). Design and Validation Arguments for the Student Survey Of Motivational Attitudes toward Statistics (S-SOMAS) Instrument. In J. Bostic, E. Krupa, & J. Shih (Eds.), Assessment in Mathematics Education Contexts: Theoretical Frameworks and New Directions (1st ed., pp. 120–146). New York, NY: Routledge.
  • Bond, M. E., Perkins, S. N., and Ramirez, C., “Students’ Perceptions of Statistics: An Exploration of Attitudes, Conceptualizations, and Content Knowledge of Statistics.” Statistics Education Research Journal, November 2012, Volume 11, Number 2.
  • Bond, M. E. and Higgins, J.J. A Note on ‘A Comparison of Bayes and Maximum Likelihood Estimation of the Intraclass Correlation Coefficient’. Communications in Statistics: Theory and Methods, Volume 30, Issue 2, 2001.



STAT 318 - Elementary Probability STAT 414 - Introduction to Probability Theory