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N-Mixture Models with Application to Disease Surveillance
Start DateThu, Aug 27, 2020
3:30 PM
3:30 PM
End DateThu, Aug 27, 2020
4:30 PM
4:30 PM
Event Series:
Statistics Colloquia
N-mixture models were originally developed to estimate animal population abundance from spatially and temporally replicated counts, where the probability of detecting an individual animal is an unknown number less than one. We will trace the evolution of N-mixture models from this original problem to the problem of estimating disease prevalence using a spatially explicit model. We apply the spatial model to estimate the number of chlamydia cases in Oregon using annual data from 2010 through 2018. This is joint work with Claudio Fuentes of Oregon State University and Ben Brintz of the University of Utah.
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