Department of Statistics

Spring 2022 Colloquia


Date Speaker Title
March 24 Peijun Sang (University of Waterloo) Statistical Inference for Functional Linear Quantile Regression
March 31 Qian Qin (University of Minnesota) Analysis of two-component Gibbs samplers using the theory of two projections
April 7 Ann B Lee (Carnegie Mellon University) Likelihood-Free Frequentist Inference: Confidence Sets with Correct Conditional Coverage
April 21 Kshitij Khare (University of Florida) Bayesian inference in high-dimensional mixed frequency regression and VAR models
Summer Break
September 8 Yumou Qiu (Iowa State University) Optimal signal detection in covariance and precision matrices
September 15 Chenlu Ke (Virginia Commonwealth University) Sufficient Variable Screening with High Dimensional Controls
September 22 Youssef Mroueh (IBM Research) Learning with Stochastic Orders
October 20 Lucas Mentch (University of Pittsburgh) Random Forests: Why They Work and Why That's a Problem
October 27 Michael Daniels (University of Florida) A Bayesian Nonparametric Approach to Causal Mediation with Multiple Mediators
November 10 Ranjan Maitra (Iowa State University) Reduced-Rank Tensor-on-Tensor Regression and Tensor-variate Analysis of Variance
November 17 Sara Stout (Bucknell University) Flipping the Script on Community Science Data: Learning about the Data Collectors On the Way to Learning about Ecology
December 1 Emma Zhang (University of Miami) Network Community Detection: New Algorithms and Goodness-of-fit Tests
December 6 (Cancelled) Amanda Mejia (Indiana University) Precise functional brain mapping with targeted Bayesian methods for fMRI data
December 8 Vincent Divol (New York University) Optimal transport map estimation in general function spaces

A look back at previous COLLOQUIA.