Department of Statistics

Seminars & Colloquia

2019 Colloquium Speakers

Date Speaker Title
March 14 Po-ling Loh, University of Wisconsin–Madison Mean estimation for entangled single-sample distributions
March 21 Ying Huang, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center Inferential Procedures for Assessing the Incremental Value of New Biomarkers based on Logic Rules
April 4 Alex Belloni, Duke University Subvector Inference in Partially Identified Models with Many Moment Inequalities
April 11 Junwei Lu, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health Topological Inference on Large Scale Graphon
April 18 Javier Pena, Carnegie Mellon University Bregman proximal methods for convex optimization
April 25 Jiwei Zhao, University of New York at Buffalo Nonignorable Missingness Mechanism Model Can Be Ignored
November 14 Corwin Zigler, University of Texas at Austin Bipartite Causal Inference with Interference: Estimating Health Impacts of Power Plant Regulations
November 21 Tuo Zhao, Georgia Institute of Technology Towards Understanding First Order Algorithms for Nonconvex Optimization in Machine Learning

A look back at previous COLLOQUIA.