CSI: Forensic FIles
About the Camp
Professor Phair has gone missing. Detective Soto suspects foul play, but she has no eye–witnesses, no suspects, and no leads. How do you solve a crime when you can’t even prove that one has been committed? You use science! In this immersive forensic science experience, campers will become part of a Crime Scene Investigation and Reconstruction (CSI&R) team that uses scientific principles to discover, analyze, and interpret evidence uncovered at the suspected scene of the crime. In the crime lab, campers will perform experiments on the evidence they unearth – with each new analysis providing campers another piece of the puzzle. Can your CSI&R team put the pieces together to solve the mystery of what really happened the night Professor Phair disappeared? Join us to find out, if you’re up to the challenge!
(Note: The first full day of camp is Monday, June 23, but residential campers will check in to the dorms on the evening of Sunday, June 22.)
Date: June 23-27, 2025
Price: Day: $425
Residential: $875
Time: 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. (and overnight for residential campers)
Grades: Entering grades 9-12 in the Fall of 2025
Lunch and snacks:
Activity breaks will be taken each day to allow campers to eat their peanut free snacks that they bring from home. All campers will eat lunch in the dining commons each day. (Residential campers will also eat all meals in the dining commons from Sunday evening until Friday afternoon.)
Other Information:
This camp is being planned to include a residential portion. For more information on residential camps, please click here.
Registration for 2025 camps opens on February 5th at 12pm. Access the registration page HERE
Contact us via email at sciencecamps@science.psu.edu or give us a call at (814) 865-0083.
Office of Science Outreach, 201 Ritenour Building, University Park, PA 16802
For more information, please see Information for Parents from the Penn State Office of Ethics and Compliance.