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Alumni Society Board

The Eberly College of Science Alumni Society was established to promote better acquaintance and fellowship among alumni, faculty, students and friends and to promote the interests of science education and research. The Eberly College of Science Alumni Society is governed by a small group of alumni who are leaders in industry, academia, medicine, research and more. The Alumni Society and the Alumni Society Board enhance the quality of science education at Penn State and provide advice and support to administrators, faculty, students, and alumni.

Learn more about the current Executive Committee and At-Large Directors.


58K Strong: We need your expertise!

Did you know there are over 58,000 graduates of the Eberly College of Science? That number alone is significant, but even more impressive is the diversity of experience across a wide range of careers and professional expertise among our alumni. We would like to invite you to join us in supporting the college by volunteering your time and expertise!

As a member of the Penn State Alumni Society and an Eberly graduate you are also a member of the Eberly College Alumni Society. The majority of the Society’s work is conducted by its board of directors, which is comprised of about 20 volunteers committed to the success of the college and Penn State. One of the board’s major goals is to expand the reach and impact of the Eberly Alumni Society by building an engaged community of former students and future alumni who work together to support the college and the University.

The Board is actively involved in activities which include:

  • Eberly College of Science Mentor Program
  • Sponsorship of virtual events
  • Hosting regional alumni events and engagement opportunities
  • Working with the Eberly College of Science Dean to provide input on alumni engagement activities
  • Collaborating with the college to increase student internships and professional experience opportunities

If you would like to be considered for membership on the board of directors, please send your resume or CV to Jenn Lawrence at You may also contact Jenn if you are interested in working with the board on a specific project or if you have other ideas you’d like the board to consider.


Board of Directors

At-Large Directors are elected by the Board of Directors or appointed, with board approval, by the Society’s President. Membership consists of one, three-year term with the option to continue for a second, three-year term. Members return to University Park twice a year for business meetings.

The Board is guided by the following vision and mission:

Vision: Create a vibrant and engaged community of current and future Eberly College of Science alumni working together to support the goals of the college and Penn State.

Mission: Strengthen the Eberly College of Science community by leveraging the diverse personal and professional experience of our Board and the Eberly Science alumni network.

For more information and to apply to be considered as a board member, please send your CV to Jenn Lawrence at or 814-865-0511.


Highlights of the Society's contributions and activities

  • Serve as ambassadors for the Eberly College of Science.
  • Provide networking and mentorship opportunities for students and alumni.
  • Financially support students through the Eberly College of Science Alumni Society Scholarship.
  • Provide funds for special projects through the Alumni Society Endowment.
  • Host regional and campus alumni events for science graduates.