Condensed Matter Physics
Our condensed matter program spans a wide range of fundamental and applied phenomena, including 2D materials, artificially frustrated magnets, first principles calculations, topological phases of matter, spintronics, superconductivity, many body theory, soft condensed matter, quantum information, and ultrafast optical processes. The program was ranked 11th in the nation in the latest (2023) U.S. News & World Report rankings of graduate schools. We host an interdisciplinary Materials Research Science & Engineering Center (MRSEC), known as the Center for Nanoscale Science, funded by NSF. Our faculty are also lead investigators in the 2D Crystal Crystal Consortium (2DCC), one of the two sites of the NSF Materials Innovation Platform. Research programs within the condensed matter group are currently funded by the Army Research Office, the Department of Energy, the Kaufman Foundation, the Moore Foundation, the National Science Foundation, the Office of Naval Research, and the Semiconductor Research Corporation.
Condensed matter faculty
Theory: Zhen Bi, Vincent Crespi, Kristen Fichthorn, Jainendra Jain, Ribhu Kaul, Chaoxing Liu, Lukas Muechler, Marcos Rigol, Jorge Sofo, Binghai Yan.
Experiment: Cuizu Chang, Roman Engel-Herbert, Venkat Gopalan, Nathan Keim, Qi Li, Ying Liu, Zhiqiang Mao, Heike Pfau, Mikael Rechtsman, Joshua A. Robinson, Slava Rotkin, Nitin Samarth, Yinming Shao, Mauricio Terrones, Jun Zhu.