
Think Outside the Beaker

TOTB After-School Program

Welcome to the Think Outside the Beaker after school program! Restek Corporation, Bellefonte Middle School, and the Office of Science Outreach are partnering to offer this opportunity for students in grades 6-8 to join us after school by participating in the a STEM workshop mini-series at Penn State University.

Students who register for this program will experience:

  • Direct interaction with Penn State science and engineering faculty and students.
  • Hands-on science activities in multiple science disciplines.
  • Improved skills: critical thinking, creativity, problem solving, and communication.

Registration is available on a first-come, first serve basis for Bellefonte Middle School Students. Transportation to and from Bellefonte Middle School will be provided. All other transportation arrangements must be made by parents/guardians. Drop off and pick up are at the Bellefonte Middle School. For more information contact the Office of Science Outreach at (814) 865-0509 or email

Other school districts or corporations with an interest in this type of partnership are encouraged to contact us!

For more information, please see Information for Parents from the Penn State Office of Ethics and Compliance.


Learn More about the Office of Science Outreach Here

Contact us via email at

Office of Science Outreach, 201 Ritenour Building, University Park, PA 16802