Structural Biology
Dr. Armache's Research Interest: Mechanisms and functions of
ATP-dependent chromatin remodeling complexes and their place
in genome regulation
Dr. Anand's Research Interest: Uncovering dynamics of cellular
macromolecular assemblies.
Dr. Boal's Research Interest: The study of the structural
differences between members of largemetalloenzyme
superfamilies that share common features but promote
different reactionsor use distinct cofactors.
Dr. Bollinger's Research Interest: The understanding of the
relationship between the structures and catalytic mechanisms of
enzymes that employ such clusters, and to elucidate the
biochemical mechanisms by which the proteins acquire their
Dr. Booker's Research Interest: Elucidating the chemical
mechanisms by which enzymes containing iron-sulfur clusters
catalyze chemical reactions.
Dr. Bryant's Research Interest: Genomics, structural and
functional relationships, metabolism, physiology and ecology
of chlorophototrophic bacteria.
Dr. Ferry's Research Interest: The study the enzymology and
molecular biology of anaerobic microbes from the Archaea
Dr. Golbeck's Research Interest: Biophysical studies of electron
transfer mechanisms in photosynthetic prokaryotes.
Dr. Hafenstein's Research Interest: A structural approach to
learn more about viral infectivity, tropism, evolution and
Dr. Wen Jiang's Research Interests: Structural studies of amyloids, viruses,
and protein complexes using single particle cryo-EM; In situ structural
biology with correlative light/electron microscopy (CLEM), volume EM,
and electron tomography; Development of new methods to improve cryo-EM
sample grid preparations, data collections, image analyses and 3D reconstructions.
Dr. Jose's Research Interest: The understanding of the molecular
mechanisms involved in the replication and assembly of
flaviviruses and alphaviruses.
Dr. Krasilnikov's Research Interest: Structural biology of
catalytic ribonucleoprotein complexes.
Dr. Lindner's Research Interest: The coupling of molecular
parasitology and structural biology to study the malaria
Dr. Murakami's Research Interest: We apply cryo-EM and X-ray
crystallography techniques to reveal three-dimensional structures
of DNA and RNA polymerases for elucidating the mechanisms of
DNA replication and RNA transcription.
Dr. Showalter's Research Interest: The use of solution
nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy, in combination
with thermodynamic analysis, chemical biology, and cellular
assays to advance understanding of protein function.
Dr. Tan's Research Interest: The understanding of how genes
are regulated by combining genetic, biochemical and structural
Dr. Weinert's Research Interest: The understanding of how
the globin coupled sensor protein family senses oxygen and
transmits the binding signal into downstream events.
Dr. Yennewar's Research Interest: Elucidating molecular
structures relevant to chemists, biochemists, material
scientists etc. and educating graduate students embarking
in these fields, the technique of X-ray diffraction (crystal
growth, data collection and structure solution and refinement,
and interpretation).