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Jianhao Zhang

Postdoctoral Scholar
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Selected Publications

Strange Correlation Function for Average Symmetry-Protected Topological Phases,  Jian-Hao Zhang, Yang Qi, Zhen Bi, arXiv: 2210.17485

Topological Phases with Average Symmetries: the Decohered, the Disordered, and the Intrinsic, Ruochen Ma, Jian-Hao Zhang, Zhen Bi, Meng Cheng, Chong Wang, arXiv: 2305.16399

Locally Purified Density Operators for Symmetry-Protected Topological Phases in Mixed States, Yuchen Guo, Jian-Hao Zhang, Shuo Yang, Zhen Bi, arXiv: 2403.16978